Hi, I’m George and my trail name is… George (boring!). In my 67 years I’ve done a lot of cool things – I’ve crossed the Atlantic in a 40-foot sailboat, bushwacked 100 miles across the north slope of the Alaska Range, hiked for 26 days in Western Nepal crossing five passes over 5,000 meters (that’s 16,404 feet, but with Sherpas carrying my gear – cheat!), and climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro, to name a few. It was my honor to serve my country as a diplomat around the world for 34 years. I have been active in retirement, despite a cancer diagnosis, and I decided to try the Wonderland Trail in 2024. Maybe next year I’ll up my ambition?
Thoughts on The End — Wonderland Trail Day Ten
Completing the Wonderland Trail with Thoughts on What It All Means...
My Head is Spinning — Wonderland Trail Day Nine
The mountains are spinning -- will our 67-year-old hiker pass out in the mountain stream?
Always Take the Side Trip! — Wonderland Trail Day Eight
New friends and a side adventure on the longest, most dangerous, and most beautiful day on the Wonderland Trail.
Don’t Eat Hot Dogs! — Wonderland Trail Day Seven
Eating a visitor center hot dog seemed like such a great idea...until it didn't. But our Wonderland Trail hiker makes it through somehow!
Shortest Day Ever — Wonderland Trail Day Six
Marmots and bear scat lead to rain and a spooky camp on this retired diplomat's sixth day on the Wonderland Trail.
Lost in the High Country — Wonderland Trail Day Five
Getting lost on the Wonderland Trail seemed impossible, until this 67-year-old retired Foreign Service Officer managed to do it!
Civilization and its Discontents — Wonderland Trail Day Four
Discovering Silly-Vization: Our 67-year-old retired diplomat reaches Mowich Lake and gets his first cache of food.
Wonderland Day Three — A Slimy Cool Dip and the End of a Long Day
Golden Lake beckons and provides a great swim at the end of a long day... if you can get past the slimy mud!
Wonderland Day Two –Heat and Exhaustion; Can I Really Do This?
Our intrepid 67-year-old retired diplomat faces a steep climb in the blazing sun. Can he really do this?
Wonderland Day One — Can I Do This?
A 67-year-old retired diplomat starts on the Wonderland Trail. Can he make it across the rushing waters of Krautz Creek?