Aloha! My name is Goda, trail name Freyja! This year, I will be setting out to thru-hike the Appalachian Trail which will be my completion of my Triple Crown! I have been a long-distance backpacker and blogger since 2019. I am in the process of writing my first book about what life is like on trail. Alongside that, I will be sharing my experiences of hitchhiking as a solo woman across the United States! When I’m not backpacking, I make high-end sustainable macramé rope dresses and decor all around the world. You can check those out on my website: GoodVibeGoda.com In celebration of a life-changing feat of thru-hiking the PCT in ‘19, 2% of each purchase price will be donated to the PCTA for maintenance and improvement of the Pacific Crest Trail for backpackers and hikers.
Free Pancakes, CDT Trail Days, Mountain Biking on the Dragonfly Trail and Reminiscing of the Time in the Backcountry
I went out to eat with Knee Melter for one last hoorah before parting ways for the year. We got some sandwiches at the Toad and enjoyed the calm energy of the place, unlike the day prior. Something about being in his space brought me back to the days where I felt like a true adventurer. His energy reminded me of a time with more simplicity, a more authentic character trait in myself and a path directed towards what my heart desired.
Road Walking the CDT, Hint of Danger and Flirting with Rock Climbers
It felt blissful to be in the desert again after hiking the green forest of the AT and a gift for my mind to be able to trek upon the sandy, rocky terrain. I thrived in the heat of the sun, feeling my skin open up and my breath deepen to a meditative rhythm. I ended up getting lost for a couple of miles due to following old CDT blazes. I laughed and thought to myself, Oh, the good old CDT.
Finding Our Path, Meeting a Fellow Hitchhiker, Our Mission on Earth and Synchronistic Encounters
I really resonated with Huck El Berry’s energy. The moment I looked into his eyes, I could tell he was a genuinely chill guy. He was one of the most respectful men I had been around and he never once made me feel uncomfortable at any moment, which felt super wholesome after years of dudes trying to touch/hit on me while hitchhiking. I could be as I was without feeling I had to filter myself. He respected my space as if I was his sister. In my life experience, to experience a sense of safety/comfort in the presence of a man felt like a blessing. It was a message to myself of what kind of people existed and of whom I wanted to hang around with.
McAfee Knob, Voyeurism, Accidentally Breaking My Molar Tooth and Hitchhiking Across the Country
After she dropped me off, I decided to hitch for a couple more minutes before I called it for the day. Last guy that picked me up was a man named Miguel who was driving home to Louisiana. He said he would give me a ride as far as he could. He played the song Tennessee Whiskey. I thought it was ironic because one of my rides last year played that song for me as they drove me to Silver City, NM. He also happened to be a Mexican guy who barely spoke English. Something about receiving synchronicities in my perception always reminded me that I was exactly where I needed to be.
Speckled Bunnies, Boom Boom Room and Reunited with Voodoo at Three Pines Hostel
Carla and I got to talking and she expressed how she just recently came out of a 10 year relationship. Her ex thru-hiked the AT twice barefoot and apparently lost his mind after doing mushrooms everyday for 8 months straight. She realized he lost his mind when he started hitting her and the kids.
Sherbet Skies, Aggressive Goats and the Stigma Around Pack Weight
I woke up feeling refreshed and excited to take on the day. I walked in the darkness and used my night time vision to scope out the trail. I witnessed a plethora of wildlife slowly wake up from their slumber while the cotton candy sky turned to sherbet and the golden orb began to make its appearance through the branches. In the early afternoon, I met a group of wild goats who were very adamant about stealing my trekking poles and nibbling on my salty thighs. They started to become pretty aggressive and petty so I said my farewells to them.
Girl Talk at New River, Letting Go of Blame and Releasing Energetic Ties
As we watched the waves roll on by, she offered some advice on what she learned through her experience with men over the years. She helped me regain the confidence in myself and to hold courage for myself when it came to holding boundaries and expressing myself through vulnerability/femininity. She re-sparked in me what it meant to follow my heart and to remember that I was worthy of only the Highest Love.
Wet Dreams, Hitching to Pearisburg, Steak Versus Beef Argument
Once again, I missed the silence of my experience. I missed listening to the ambiance of the cars and the rhythm of my footsteps walking on the road. There seemed to be a strong push and pull energy that I felt with Voodoo—a tendency I felt within myself to keep him around, but only if he played by my rules. We got short distanced rides all the way up to Dublin. Once there, we stood at a busy intersection as we attempted to hitch the rest of the way up. Someone in their car laughed and took a picture of us—Voodoo smiled and waved while he posed with his thumb out for them. Pringles called us and told us to stop hitching and that she would pick us up at the Taco Bell. Once she got us, she generously trail magic'd us a spot at Angel’s Rest for the night!
Trail Angel Shep, Rookies in the Woods and Triggered Reactions
10 feet into the climb, we realized we didn’t have any water. So, I checked the map to see where the next water source would be. It said 2 miles. Less than 20 feet into the climb, I realized I had to poop. I thought it was a fart, but I accidentally pooped myself a little bit, instead. I threw my pack off, ran into the woods and released some explosive diarrhea. After I cleaned up, we continued walking and not even a minute later, Voodoo cursed, “Holy Shit! I have to throw up.” I laughed and he probed, “Do you realize we’re hiking in the heat of the day?” He pointed to the sky and shouted, “Look at the sun! It is DIRECTLY above us!” He broke out in sweat and while I started laughing my ass off. “Okay, let’s just stop and take a break,” I suggested. I laid out my switchback so he could take a nap and let the food digest. “How far is the water now?” he asked. “1.8,” I said as I busted out laughing.
Solitude at Laurel Fork Falls, Cleansed by the River and Learning How to be Vulnerable
I went hiking alone today to connect some dots of the section I accidentally skipped. I immediately felt a sense of home when I was off in the woods alone again. When I made it down to Laurel Fork Falls, I watched as the river of water flowed beneath my feet and I remembered how wholesome it felt to experience the sensation in solitude and silence. I got a confirmation that it was time to part ways with my lover.