Graeme Mahon (he/him) can best be described by his record collection, the length of his attention span, and his unending quest for a good story. Don't get it twisted - while his name might seem like a mouthful, it's just the cracker, only not spelled the same. Graeme's super stoked to be sharing his journey on the Pacific Crest Trail in 2023, a dream he's had since humble beginnings of deep-dish pizza and Cubs games back in 2017. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, Graeme's love for the outdoors began at a young age in the Sleeping Bear Dunes of Northern Michigan and the Yuper (Upper Peninsula), continuing to blossom as he explored the American West during his collegiate summers. After completing a thru-hike of the John Muir Trail in 2021, Graeme graduated college and moved into his Subaru, working seasonally as an outdoor educator, guide, and ski bum on the West Coast. He's super psyched to bring you all along on his journey of blistered toes and alpine sunrises. Cheers!!
On “The Slog”: Hiking When the Last Thing You Want to Do Is Hike.
“While on trail, the Highs are high and the Lows are low. If you’re not careful, one bad day can send you on one monumental free-fall of a downward spiral.“
On Challenge: Reaching New Heights at the Summit of Mt. San Jacinto
stand at the top of Southern California. How more monumental it is to share it with so many good people.
On Community: Budding Trail Families Amidst the Beavertail Blooms.
It’s safe to say if you enjoy the company of those you’re with, it’s important to make an effort to camp with them along the way.
On Weather: Unexpected Detours and the Virtue of Pumpkin Pie
“I did it again today.” Jackson looks up at me with a broad faced grin as we hover over our food bags at the Mount Laguna General Store,
On Introductions: Sore Toes and Dusty Cheeks from the Semi-Desert
“Is this it?”, Chris asks me as we zigzag our way down a two-track dirt road that leads to an area that can only be described as
On Preparation: Meditations from Joshua Tree on the Last Days Before a Thru-Hike
Crinkle. There’s a breeze in this desert. The cool wind strikes my dirt-covered cheeks as I make my nightly contact with the large inflatable