Born and raised in Montana, a deep curiosity for the outdoors seemed to just come along with my DNA. My second lifelong passion started in the kitchen watching my mom cook three meals a day. Cooking is a love of mine, mostly because it involves eating the end-product!! My life progression has been an amazing adventure, leading to my position as a Backcountry Chef. This has allowed me to experience the deep trails of the Western United States and Alaska. The scenery has been stunning, the relationships lasting, and the wildlife mesmerizing. As I cross the half-century threshold into my 50th birthday, my next step is to thru-hike the Appalachian Trail. My family supports my lifelong desire to travel 2,189 miles by foot: to slow down, to reflect, to be fully thankful. I invite you to join me and follow along on my Big "5-0"Adventure. Always follow your heart. Cheers!
Moral Support
The idea of anyone completing a 2,200 mile thru-hike "unsupported" is just nonsense! With a launch date less than a month away I'm thrilled to
Read Between The Lines
Trees in Fog On a recent flight to Houston the realization that I won't be flying for 5-6 months hit me. What else will I miss out on
While Waiting
Little Wilson Falls I feel like an expecting mother in her last month of pregnancy. The anticipation is building with just over a month to go
Don’t Feed The Turtles
60 days from my first steps on the trail. Gear has been packed, weighed, unpacked, reweighed so many times it's starting to look worn! I'm pretty
Dinner for 1?
Hiking from Georgia to Maine has been on my mind for years. The only mysterious question for me was; What the hell am I going to