Hiiiii! My name is Hedy. I am a current Chattanoogan setting out on the Appalachian Trail this year with my best friend and co-conspirator in ridiculousness, Julia. I am a semi-retired elementary school teacher, excellent pasta maker, fast-talker, and wannabe Mainer. I am eager to share my hiking story with you! You can follow my journey on Instagram @hedyandjulia !
Receding from Reality: Reflections From Week One of the AT
After 5 sections, 3 months, many pack shakedowns, gear switches, and resupply runs, we finally hit the trail full-time.
8 Takeaways From My First Section of the AT
On February 17th, we hopped in our van and sidled toward Amicalola Falls State Park. After a frenzied evening tossing and turning and contemplating everything at the Lodge, we set got our tags, took another little jaunt in the van, and set off from Springer.
My Roundabout Road to Hiking the AT
After my first New York City winter, I needed an escape. I stumbled upon the Harlem Metro North map. My eyes lingered on one stop: The Appalachian Trail.