
Hi! I’m Henry, aka Righteous. After years of summer backpacking trips and a few seasons working in the backcountry for a trail organization along the AT, I completed a SOBO thru hike of the AT in 2013. In 2017, I hit the trail again and hiked the PCT and AZT (both SOBO) back to back. I’m always plotting more adventures, including long-distance bikepacking routes.


Punishment and Reward. Welcome to the Arizona Trail.

Punishment and Reward. Welcome to the Arizona Trail.

Champagne lap. That's what I had begun jokingly calling a thru-hike attempt on the Arizona Trail. After the PCT, Arizona's 800 miles sounded like

Mar 10, 2018 : Righteous
On to Arizona, by Way of Zion

On to Arizona, by Way of Zion

After finishing the PCT, I was forced to come to terms with life beyond the trail. I had accomplished what I set out to do, and thoughts of home,

Mar 2, 2018 : Righteous
Experiencing Every Inch: Canada to Mexico on the PCT

Experiencing Every Inch: Canada to Mexico on the PCT

I wasn't at my finest leaving Julian. There was a stitch in my side and saliva was turning to glue in my mouth. My feet were throbbing in shoes that

Feb 15, 2018 : Righteous
Making Tracks to Mexico: A PCT SOBO’s Final Chapter

Making Tracks to Mexico: A PCT SOBO’s Final Chapter

For some reason, arriving in Wrightwood flipped a switch for me. Mexico is right there, I started telling myself. Just don't get hurt, and you're

Feb 15, 2018 : Righteous
Through the Mojave Heat as Mexico Looms Ahead

Through the Mojave Heat as Mexico Looms Ahead

I mentioned at the end of my last post that I was getting a new pack in Tehachapi. Back in Sierra City, I had noticed that my first pack had taken a

Jan 25, 2018 : Righteous
Descent From The Cold Into The Desert Heat

Descent From The Cold Into The Desert Heat

It was a hell of a jaw workout, but I wolfed down like five of those protein bars for lunch.  Summiting Whitney was thoroughly draining, but we still

Jan 13, 2018 : Righteous
Peace and Hardship Through the Range of Light: PCT Part 9

Peace and Hardship Through the Range of Light: PCT Part 9

This is a very long post.  I could have split it up, but I think keeping it all together gives a better sense of how I felt through this section.  So

Jan 1, 2018 : Righteous
The Sierra Nevada Rise from the Horizon: PCT Part 8

The Sierra Nevada Rise from the Horizon: PCT Part 8

Leaving NorCal Remember how I said it was crazy hot in Belden?  So hot that I decided not to leave until after 6pm.  With a huge climb into the

Dec 15, 2017 : Righteous
(Trail)Family Fun and Halfway Done: PCT Part 7

(Trail)Family Fun and Halfway Done: PCT Part 7

Picking up where I left you in Mt Shasta... Would you be surprised to learn that the first thing I did upon arriving in Mt Shasta City was

Dec 15, 2017 : Righteous
My PCT B(ack)log

My PCT B(ack)log

I owe you an apology. I set out really determined to not get behind on this project. I know that some of you are here trying to figure out where

Oct 17, 2017 : Righteous