Jamie Molihan

This is harder than I thought it would be. I have social anxiety disorder. I have epilepsy I have two sons and a daughter; they are amazingly cool. I have a nephew that has autism spectrum disorder, and he is The Sauce. One of my sisters has extensive frontal lobe brain injury from flipping her car seven times while drinking and driving. Don't drink and drive. In the last year and a half I have walked away from my marriage and my house, lost two cousins to drug overdoses, lost my mother suddenly, and then lost my father to pancreatic cancer. My dad helped me plan some of my thru hike while he was getting chemo; at the time we thought that I would be going on the PCT, but that quickly changed because of a popular book, a popular movie, and a water shortage. I am pretty lazy. I love Starbucks. I love Starbucks ALOT. I really want to do this. I am hiking with a dear friend of mine named Scott, he is an Army Veteren. He like cats, the outdoors and me; he also can't wait to live in a tent for six months. I can't wait to come up with a trail name for him.