A Pacific Crest Trail flip-flop thruhiker who wants to share his adventure and the wilderness with others via my writings.
The Pacific Crest Trail: Epilogue
To my trail family— I was so happy the day I saw you make it to the southern terminus. Only 130 days since I was kicked off trail due to
The Sierra: Part 1
The Humbling Welcome a beginning story Departing from Echo Lake on the late morning of September 17th my stomach turned with a rush of emotions.
Weeks 9/10: Washington Part 3
The End That Came Too Soon Washington continued… Excited for the next 188 miles, my body sufficiently recovered, and my clothes washed it was time
Week 8: Washington Part 2
The Middle and Not So Good Washington Continued… This enlightened mood did change, however, the state was about to hand me my lowest days on trail
Week 7: Washington Part 1
The Beginning and The Beauty Walking towards Cascade Locks I kept looking over my shoulder. I was immediately attempting to use all my mental
Week 6 BONUS: An Apology Letter to Oregon— no more buts
Dear Oregon, I need your attention real quick. I am on my knees asking for your forgiveness! I said “but” after uttering the four letter word that
Week 5/6: Hiking With and Without My Partner
My cramped feet stumbled down the descent after my partner and I steamed past the “Oregon’s Highest Point on the PCT” sign and all I could think was:
Week 4: Oregon, I love you but..
Walking past the California|Oregon border I felt a sense of urgency to complete the state as fast as I could. I continue to remind myself that the
Week 3: California, I will return.
Part 1 My tired eyes woke up to the rustling of other hikers at 04:30 in the morning, who were wasting no time to get the hell out of California.
Week 2: Bonus Miles and Exhaustion
Leaving Mt. Shasta with an ungodly amount of food to conquer the next 100 miles, I was prepared to blaze full speed to Etna. My feet were happy and