My name is Josh, but you can call me Der, Tweak, or Mr Khaki Pants. I'm currently working at an advertising agency, but I want go back to school for a Masters in Under Water Basket Weaving soon. I like to get outdoors as much as possible, hiking is my preference. I also enjoy food, a good book, peaking under scabs, and laughing at my own jokes. I try not to take life too seriously and collecting experiences is my main goal.
Hiking, Heat, and Hubris On The AT
Sometimes all you can do is embrace the suck.
Halfway Done With The Appalachian Trail
What can I say about Maine that hasn't already been said? It was beautiful, awful, inspiring, depressing, humbling and agrivating all at the same
Dealing With The AMC Huts In The Whites
This is just my opinion on how to deal with the huts, but sometimes my opinions suck.
The Painfully Beautiful White Mountains
These mountains don't mess around.
Welcome To The Hotel California
If I can give any piece of advice to future thru hikers, take your time and do fun/weird/crazy shit any chance you get out here, because the trail ain't going anywhere.
Appalachian Trail Luxury Items
Everyone brings at least one creature comfort with them into the woods, but mine just happens to be a little different.
White blazes, And The Lack There Of
Sometimes its impossible to get turned around out here, and sometimes it's impossible not to.
Welcome To The Good Life
Flip flopping the AT. I can't think of anything else I'd rather be doing right now.