Hey, I'm Lauren. I started my AT thru hike June 2022 with my partner, Ian. Together we completed nearly 900 miles from Harpers Ferry to the beginning of Maine. We're heading back to be part of the 2023 class as we complete Georgia to Harpers Ferry and Maine! I'll be starting my PhD program studying mycology next fall, so you can find lots of mushroom photos and info on my posts!
Back to Harper’s Ferry
Not many thru hikers will get the opportunity to return to the starting point of their hike again. About a year ago, I started my hike north from
Virginia Blues & Views
Despite being well over halfway done with my thru hike, the Virginia Blues unexpectedly hit me hard. Maybe it's just at that point the trail starts
Things to Consider When Hiking with a Partner on the Appalachian Trail
The majority of people who set out to thru hike start solo. Some bring a friend or family member. Others chose to test their relationship and bring
Foot Care From The First Thousand Miles
We crossed over 1000 miles outside of Franklin, NC. Seeing different foot problems on both halves of our hike, I'd like to share what I've learned
Cozy Cabins in Georgia
The Approach Trail We started from Amicalola Falls on Tuesday March 14th around 8:30am on a cold morning. Deciding to meet our family at the
Success at Mt. Success & A Fresh Start
I started my thru-hike on June 3, 2022 after five years of aspiring to hike from watching YouTube videos of 2010 era thru-hikers. With no experience,