Hi, My name is Lorene and I am attempting a thru hike leaving in March 2016. I am a 50 year old wife to one, mother to two, and grandmother to three. I grew up in a small fishing village on the coast of Maine where I grew to love nature and the great outdoors. This hike is one of the few selfish things I have done in my 50 years on this earth and I intend to treasure each and every moment.
Seeing the World Through Rose Colored Glasses
I am listening to a book on Audible called "What Alice Forgot" by Liane Moriarty. It is fascinating so far, very well written and thought
Trust Your Instincts
I have always been a very trusting person. Looking for and expecting the best from everyone. Of course I have been disappointed on occasion, but I
No Turning Back
My boss just came in and asked me if I was really leaving!!! They are posting a help wanted ad tomorrow and looking for a replacement! Oh my goodness
AT Dreaming
After the initial shock wears off most people think I am crazy. Why would a seemingly sane 50 year old woman even WANT to do this. My sister said
What People Think I Should Be Afraid Of (Vs. What I Am Actually Afraid Of)
When I tell people I am hiking the Appalachian Trail almost everyone has the same reaction. “Alone?!?” “You are bringing a gun, right?!?” “Aren’t
Dog Gone
I know there are strong opinions on both sides of bringing a dog on the trail.
No Regrets
As a middle aged woman I like things calm and quite, boring even. I am a planner. This hike is a huge leap from the safe, predictable life that I
Hello from Maine
Just a little about me.... I grew up in a small fishing village on the coast of Maine and my family has a camp in northern Maine about a mile from