Molly Bybee. Call me Training Wheels. 25 year old Kansas City native. Future music therapist. Avid YA novel and pizza connoisseur. Ex-competitive rower and current Netflix binge-watcher. Fair weather Royals fan. I'm postponing completing my Master's to undertake a NOBO thru-hike beginning March 18th. I promise, at least my mother thinks I'm funny.
Week 23: I Did It!!
After 2189.1 miles, 14 states, and 160 days, I did it! On August 25 (also the 100th birthday of the National Park Services), I summited the Big
Week 22: Almost to the End (But Not Quite)
The next time I write a post, I will have summited Katahdin. I will be Molly Bybee (or Training Wheels), 2016 NOBO thru hiker officiale. I can say
Week 21: Southern Maine, You Make Me Cry
Southern Maine is hard. Now I know in my last post I said New Hampshire and the Whites were hard, but Southern Maine is a different kind of hard. The
Week 20: The One Where I Hiked the Whites
The White Mountains of New Hampshire are often spoken of in foreboding whispers, especially among hikers who have already hiked through the Smokies,
Week 19: Are We There Yet??
Less than 500 miles. Two states left. It seems surreal that that amounts to what I have betweenand Katahdin and me. However, as I sit so close and
Week 18: “Worst Birthday EVER!” and Other Tales from Vermont
Yesterday (July 20) I woke up a shiny and new 26 year old. Being 25 was a thing of the past. The air was chilly in my tent, the first time in a
Weeks 15, 16 & 17: 1500 Miles, Still a Mess
When you start out 500 miles seems like a insurmountable distance, forget 1500 miles. You think should you ever be so lucky to hike such a great
Weeks 13 & 14: Goodbye South, Goodbye Rocksylvania
Tomorrow I'll reach Delaware Water Gap and say a fond farewell to the state of Pennsylvania, and by fond I mean I am very happy to say goodbye to
Weeks 11 & 12: The Shenandoahs, Harper’s Ferry & Washington DC
Greetings dear reader. I hadn't realized it had been two weeks since I updated the world on my doings. However, so much has happened. Here's a quick
Week 10: Let’s Talk About My Favorite Thing, Food
Dear reader, I have a confession to make, well I have a couple confessions I could make, but this is a big one. After hiking 850 miles, I have