Hey there, I’m Nala. This year marks my oh-so-glorious second attempt on the Appalachian Trail! I’m passionate about women’s issues, the struggles we face in the woods and while thru-hiking, and the role the great outdoors can play in our divine feminine energy. I hope to inspire women to get out on the trail without compromising our femininity. I’m a 15-year vegan, 2-year healthy plant-based, 1-year aspiring gluten-free gal, and I’ll be trying to replicate the lifestyle during my thru-hike this year. Crazy talk, I know! AT Class of 2016 & 2023, Kilimanjaro 2022, future PCT Class of 2024
List of My Trail Injuries: The First Two Weeks
The Appalachian Trail has brought injuries including: burns, bruises, infections and all the foot problems. In just the first two weeks!
My Backpacking Luxury Item: My Vibrator
I’m not giving up girly items on a thru hike, and that includes my vibe! It’s all a part of helping to relax my body and mind on this journey.
A Girly Gear List: Lightweight, Practical and Cute AF
Is a woman‘s gear list exactly like a man’s? I’m packing some specific pieces of gear, especially functional to a solo girl on a thru hike.
Why, Oh Why, Would Someone Hike the Appalachian Trail Again
I’ve been daydreaming about my return to the trail for a do-over. I’m ready to prove to myself I can do this. I know I was made for this. I’m a thru hiker.
Thru Hiking in a Dress
There are so many ways to wear dresses whilst on a thru hike. And they’re super-duper practical! Don’t believe me? Let’s get into it.