Hey, I'm Mismatch, I enjoy long scenic hikes through the woods and a chilled bottle of Mike's Hard Lemonade. AT '15 ME-GA, and setting off for a PCT thru hike attempt in May. I'm currently a personal trainer based out of the cornfields in central Illinois. I have my sights set on hiking the Triple Crown and I'm excited to share all the ups and downs of this journey with you all.
Day 3
Day 3 of my PCT thru hike: As I woke up in my tent at 4:57am I surveyed the aches and pains of my body. My cramping seemed to have stopped, my
Let’s Talk About Gear, Baby
The PCT Gear list that nobody cares about besides me!
I Got 99 Problems, But a Hiking Partner Ain’t One
My mom was right to give me no sympathy, I brought my loneliness upon myself. Not only did I choose to go Southbound on the AT, but I also absolutely refused to slow down for anybody.
The Promised Land of The PCT
Vistas everywhere I look, smoothly graded trail where a 40 mile day feels like a 30 mile day, and no rain!
Hi, My Name is Mismatch and I’m a Long Distance Backpacker
A brief summary of my thru-hiking career and my decision to hike the Pacific Crest Trail.