We are The Family. In 2023, we will attempt to complete the Pacific Crest Trail. We might be wrong, and please correct us if we are, but we think this might make us the first family of seven to finish the trail. And since we did the Appalachian Trail in 2020 and the Continental Divide Trail in 2022, The Beast will become the first seven-year-old Triple Crowner (in fairness we didn't 'redline' the CDT, but we did connect a continuous and unbroken footpath from Crazy Cook to Waterton in one year). And we think we will also be the first to carry a baby on TWO long trails! And just to double-down on the weirdness of The Family, we have lived in Chad, Africa for the past 12+ years. So go ahead and subscribe to this blog if you want to know the right/wrong ways to backpack with too many kids! ;)
Saved by a Poop Shovel
If you’re a hiker, I certainly hope you know what a poop shovel is. If you don’t, you’re disgusting. And if you’re not a hiker, I’ll grant Grace for
Karel Sabbe Loves Me
Karel Sabbe loves me. Don’t believe it? I have the receipts. For those living under a rock, Karel Sabbe is the Michael Jordan of hiking, the
FKTs Matter
An FKT is a big deal. As readers of thetrek.co are aware, FKT stands for Fastest Known Time. And as I’m sure all readers of thetrek.co are aware
Life Goes On… For Some
It may be borderline heresy on , but sometimes there’s more to life, and death, than the trail… I can’t sleep. I’m on a red eye flight from Seattle
Rumblin’, Bumblin’, Stumblin’
135.1 miles from as near to San Jacinto as we could get to the south, up to Cajon Pass to the north. We finished that on May 30th. We felt we were
Herky-Jerky Wednesday, May 17, we put our feet on the PCT for the first time. We had planned to already be a bit along, but between travel issues
An Inauspicious Start
Well, I should admit that we are a short bit into our hike already. So much has happened, 90% of it before our hike. I think it’s fair to say we’ve
Families Who Hike Together…
Hiking Families have exploded in number and visibility in the last five years. We're aren't the only ones! Here are some of the rock stars...
Homeschool? Trailschool!
Not the most typical of thetrek.co topics, but for the 0.2% of thetrek.co readers who have similarly poor judgment and wish to backpack a long ways
So WHY are we Hiking?
Ok, lemme take another crack at answering the question. Why specifically is our family backpacking the entire PCT, or at least trying to, in