Oliver has been itching to complete a thru hike and get a trail name for many years, satisfying himself with shorter objectives while his children grow up. He has completed the Boreal Trail in Saskatchewan (2021), the Northern and Long Range Traverses of Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland (2023), part of Section B and all of Section C on the Great Divide Trail in BC and Alberta (2020, 2021), the Labrador Footpath in Newfoundland (2022), and a bunch of shorter overnights in BC and Alberta. Oliver is an active duty chaplain in the Canadian Armed Forces, and will be taking on a thru-hike of the Arizona Trail in March, 2025 after completing a 100 mile section in 2024. In addition to blogging his time on trail, he will be producing trail videos (youtube.com/@untakentrails) talking about the the trail and touching on the intersection of thru-hiking, mental health and spirituality.
Thru Hiking to Mental and Spiritual Health – My Why
So what makes a 50 year old military chaplain want to burn a year’s worth of leave on one trail experience? Why leave behind wife and family,
Solo AZT Loadout – Kinda UL
Everyone loves gear lists, don't they? I am not sure why, because it seems to me what's in your pack is very much in the same vein as "Hike
Preparing for a Thru-Hike at 50 – January
It is super true what they say about how people my age feel like they are 20 inside… until they do something physical with a 20 year old… then they
A Canadian Waiting 53 Days to Hike the Arizona Trail
Hello, TheTrek-Verse! I thought I would introduce myself to you tonight, and give you a little hint of what is to come from my keyboard(s) as I step