Hi, I'm Olivia - a runner, hiker, and environmental scientist. Born near the halfway point in the rocky state of PA. I like pets, gear, and inspirational Jenn Pharr quotes. "Blueberry" - GA->PA 16
The hike is over, thanks tendinitis
This was supposed to be the time when I write my glorious "I did it" post, but unfortunately my NOBO hike turned into a LASH. Since July I have been
Home is where you decide to keep hiking…
My last post was filled with a lot of emotion, most of it negative as a result of my frustrations with the trail and trail culture. But the great
When the Trail Doesn’t Provide
"The trail provides" is one of the most common expressions said on the AT, second only to "Hike your own hike". Both of these expressions have been
MIA on the AT
It's been about 400 miles since my last blog post... Yikes. Maybe I should change my name to MIA. I've made it to Woods Hole Hostel in Virginia which
One Month! (Smokies to Hot Springs)
I've been on the trail for a month tomorrow. It's hard to believe so much time and so many miles have already passed! The trail since Fontana has
Hiawasee to Fontana
I've hiked about 165 trail miles and have made it to Fontana Village where Bilbo, Gone Boy, Ukelady, and I have decided to zero at the lodge. This
Welcome to The Culture Club
Day 7 and I made it to Hiawasee with the trail fam. We're all staying at the Budget Inn which is exactly what you would expect (thanks Ron Haven).
From VA to PA to GA
Catching Up Since the last time I wrote a blog entry (in October... Whoops), I have graduated with my Masters from UVA (go hoos!), moved all my
Because I Can…
I suppose this is the official announcement of my AT hike to the online world. It was unofficially done for me earlier by a Potomac Appalachian Trail