My name is Ryne, which is pronounced like the Rhine river... or like an orange peel. On trail they call me ‘Steamboat’. I grew up in Arizona, came of age in Chicago, learned the most about life in Florida and developed my passions in Washington State. In 2017, I hiked the northern half of the Pacific Crest Trail. On The Trek you can read about my experience on the AT in 2018.
I Quit in Maine… and I Was NOBO
Although I hiked from Georgia to Maine, I never made it to Mount Katahdin. I left the trail. I quit. Leaving New Hampshire I walked out of Gorham,
Ups and Downs Over New Hampshire and the White Mountains
New Hampshire is a proving ground for thru hikers. It felt like every mile up to this point was preparation for the brutality to come. It was
Vermont Is a Little Piece of Paradise
I didn't quit in Massachusetts. I'm glad I didn't. Everything I'd been waiting for was to be found in Vermont. Into the Green Mountain
New England and Thoughts of Quitting
New England has not been kind to me. I went through a process of trying to navigate layers of frustrating conditions. There was the heat and
Heat Waves and Heat Illness in Connecticut
I just got back on trail from my trip to New York City and was still in a state of sensory exhaustion. It was turning toward July and a "heat dome"
New Jersey, New York, Food, and City Life
I finally reached Delaware Water Gap, the easternmost edge of Pennsylvania. I was mentally and physically spent and in need of a day off. Thank
Highs and Lows Through Pennsylvania
I charged headlong into Pennsylvania with a plan to meet Slinky, whom I met early in my trek. Slinky had hiked a long southern portion of the AT, and
Passing the Many Midpoints Along the AT
I left Shenandoah and cruised headlong into Harpers Ferry, the spiritual or psychological midpoint. This is a few days shy of the numerical midpoint,
Easy Trail, Waysides Stand Out in Shenandoah National Park
Shenandoah occupies a special place in my heart. I went for an overnight circuit hike over Thanksgiving 2016 in preparation for what I thought was
A Side Trip off Trail Along the James River
Some folks will depart the trail to see nearby places such as Washington, D.C., or New York City. After crossing the James River I turned east and