
Hi! I'm Shannon (she/her) - environmentalist, distance runner, energy analyst. In Spring 2023 I took readers with me on the West Highland Way in Scotland, and now I'm setting off to do the last 100km of the Portuguese Camino to earn my Compostela!Follow along and happy walking :)


Camino Day 6: ‘Peppy Not Poopy’ all the way to Santiago

Camino Day 6: ‘Peppy Not Poopy’ all the way to Santiago

The theme of the day was coined by Mary in the morning as (and I quote) 'peppy not poopy' in reference to bathroom and Coca Cola stops all morning.

Oct 1, 2023 : Shannon
Camino Day 5: From Hot Springs to Peppers and Monasteries

Camino Day 5: From Hot Springs to Peppers and Monasteries

Each day is becoming harder and harder to remember, as if they're all becoming one blur! Mary and I have been having a great time out here, and it's

Sep 30, 2023 : Shannon
Camino Day 4: Cafe Oases

Camino Day 4: Cafe Oases

Today was a loooong hot day on the Camino, so vamos lets step out some miles! The clockwork morning routine The morning routine has been becoming

Sep 27, 2023 : Shannon
Camino Day 3: Short Walk to Pontevedra

Camino Day 3: Short Walk to Pontevedra

It's day three, and our shortest day of the trip with 13 km / 8.1 mi to step out, so let's get to it!Part of our walk through Arcade Logistics

Sep 27, 2023 : Shannon
Camino Day 2: Light Bags and Blending Days

Camino Day 2: Light Bags and Blending Days

Buen Camino! Today was our first full day in Spain and we've been putting our rusty Spanish to good use!Mary's taken a few classes, and despite

Sep 26, 2023 : Shannon
Camino Day 1: Christo?

Camino Day 1: Christo?

Bom Camino! First, huge shoutout to Portugal Green Walks. I normally reject anything considered touristy, so which I’d consider hiking with a tour

Sep 25, 2023 : Shannon
Back for a New Adventure: The Portuguese Camino!

Back for a New Adventure: The Portuguese Camino!

Hello again The Trek readers and random internet dwellers! To get right into it, this is a surprise to both you and I to be hearing again (so soon)

Sep 14, 2023 : Shannon
West Highland Way Recap: Trail, Budget, and Gear Recommendations

West Highland Way Recap: Trail, Budget, and Gear Recommendations

Hello from back home in Michigan! After returning from two weeks in the UK, I went right back to my 9-5 and then ran a Spartan Race a few days

Jun 13, 2023 : Shannon
WHW Day 6: from the hills, to the valley, to final goodbyes

WHW Day 6: from the hills, to the valley, to final goodbyes

Wow. The last day of the West Highland Way. It seems strange, but in 6 days this identity that we all took on as ‘West Highland Way walkers’ gave me

May 4, 2023 : Shannon
WHW Day 5: Devil’s Staircase and Kinlochleven

WHW Day 5: Devil’s Staircase and Kinlochleven

Picking up from yesterday, I woke up in the rail station for Bridge of Orchy. Except, I didn’t wake up at a normal hour and well rested, half of the

May 3, 2023 : Shannon