Howdy, I'm Stephanie. If we happen to meet on the trail, meow at me and we will probably be best friends.
Back and Better Than Before
It's been almost a week that I've been back on the trail. Life is golden, wondrous, and so aromatic underneath the tall pines of Pine Grove Furnace
Knee-ding Support
I’m benched. I’m at home. I’m currently wearing soft cotton clothes, in my air-conditioned home, sipping real coffee out of a ceramic mug and
Half Naked And Afraid
As a female hiker... ... You get pretty good at scouting out a sturdy-looking tree to hang off of as you pop a squat to go Number One. On the trail
A Shift In Thought
My laundry is washed, my body is clean, and my belly is full. I am currently lounging in a brown leather Grandpa recliner while fellow nomads flutter
If Utopia Was A Grocery Store
I woke up this morning... ... In my new hiker rhythm of precisely 6:45. Every few seconds my tent caught slow, ploppy raindrops from the previous
Week 2- Constant Wonder
It has been two weeks on the trail. For two weeks I have slept under the stars, on tops of mountains or just under the ridge lines. Each
Day 1- In Bloom
I'm in my tent... ...Listening to the rain with a belly full of warm couscous and red beans. I went a little overboard with my measurements, so
Each and Every Corner
“We aren’t a drop in the ocean, but are the ocean, in drops.” -Rumi Without being on the trail, blogging feels borderline disreputable; I don’t
I Am A Bear Magnet
Let's be real... I have no experience backpacking. In fact, I learned how to properly use trekking poles for the first time about a month ago. But