A sober explorer and hiker from Chicago. I completed a Flip-Flop of the AT in 2019. I love to be outside and had an amazing adventure out on the East Coast. Who knows what's next?
30 Things I’ve Learned in 30 Days on Trail
1. Hiking the trail is much more than a physical challenge, but will really test your body. 2. Realizing how quickly the miles add up is very
The Presence (and Power) of Women on the AT
In her first two weeks on trail, Susan has already found inspiration and community in the female contingent of thru-hikers.
What We Carry With Us
Last week, I posted all about my gear and the things I need to be comfortable and survive. Today, I think it's time to share some of reasons I have
Everyone Loves a Gear Post
The ‘final’ gear list and details before Susan heads out to trail next week.
Worry, Anxiety, and Fear: Mental Preparedness for a Thru-Hike
Deciding to thru-hike can be really scary. Susan talks about her worries, anxieties, and fears in this post.
The Shakedown Hike
What I learned on a quick backpacking trip on Hoosier National Forest
How to Support a Thru-Hiker: What Do They Need?
How can you support the thru-hiker in your life before and during their hike?
Preventative Nutrition: Vitamins and Supplements
An overview of Susan’s supplemental nutrition plan on trail.
The Post I Didn’t Think I’d Write: Mental Toughness
My first experience with my lack of mental toughness, well before I get on trail.
You’re Invited to a Thru-Hike!
You're invited! All you need to know about the who, where, what, and why of my upcoming thru-hike.