My name is Titouan, I am 25 years old and I'll be attempting to thru-hike the PCT in 2023. I am a French filmmaker/photographer who loves sports, movies, music, and being outside.
I’m Going On A Walk, Again
I Changed My Phone Screensaver May 15th, 2024.Today, I changed my phone screensaver. The colorful and vibrant picture of me sitting proudly on
Part Nineteen – Part of The Journey is The End
Water of the bluest blue, reflecting the clear wide sky, rippled as the big metallic boat hull cut through the lake. To my right, a group of weekend
Part Eighteen – Nearing the End: Through Washington
September 5th. It’s been five months since I started the trail. Five months. It seemed like an eternity ago and as if it was yesterday at the same
Part Seventeen – Catching Second Wind: Entering Washington
I spent the better part of the weekend in Cascade Locks laying down in bed, icing and rolling my shins so that my body would hopefully be ready and
Part Sixteen – Pushing Through Pain: Reaching Washington
The Phenomenon of Boredom After a night spent under flashing meteors, I left the vastness of Crater Lake to sink back into the claustrophobic green
Part Fifteen – So Long California: Entering Oregon
Don’t Quit in Northern California The unexpected difficulty of this section, paired with an incalculable number of blowdowns, the suffocating heat,
Part Fourteen – Rushing through NorCal
With the snow mostly behind me now, days became longer. Hiking from dawn until sunset, I tried to cover as many miles as possible daily. The
Part Thirteen – Out of the Sierra, Not Out of the Snow: Starting NorCal
My last night in the Sierra was very windy and therefore, sleepless. At around 3:00 am, having been only able to sleep about an hour, I decided to
Part Twelve – Faster Alone, Further Together: The End of the Sierra
The morning following my fall, I woke up to the Milky Way gently shining in the dark sky. I took a moment to appreciate the view, to appreciate my
Part Eleven – Fear in the Sierra
On Monday, June 12th, we left Bishop for the second time to return to the trail, leaving behind us the comfort of town life and the warmth of being