Old Dirty Razor thru-hiked the AT in 2015, PCT in 2017, and she's gearing up for the CDT...because you only do one or three, nobody stops at two. You can read about her travel adventures from the Arctic Circle to thru-hiking America on her blog @ theotherforkintheroad.com.
emptying the gray water tank
If you’ve ever traveled a significant distance in small enough vessel, you’re well aware how intense certain smells can become. And by intense, I
Post PCT: The Bachelorette Fail
I’ve never been one for reality TV. Well, except for the early seasons of MTV’s Real World, that stuff was binge-worthy. I just think it’s weird to
Acceptance and Rearranging Expectations
I've been seated next to some interesting folks over countless miles across the skies, but my absolute favorite to date was next to a cargo pilot
PCT Prep: Road Trip!
Back when I played with Barbies, the accessory I wanted most for my main gal was that sweet red Barbie Ferrari convertible. Why? So she wasn’t stuck
The Day I Became Hiker Trash
A few years back, my good friend Christina took one of those major life leaps so many people only dream of making. Trying to figure out her place in
Do I Look Like a Hiker to You?
Two years ago this week, I boarded a one-way plane to the Arctic Circle, filled with excitement, drowning in the Unknown. Over the next 20 months,
On Bill Bryson and Pennsylvania
The top three questions received after announcing my plans to hike the Appalachian Trail: What? Oh, that's cool...is that in America? (a
Six Things at 1217.8 miles
The trick to successfully completing a somewhat monotonous 2,189.2 mile hike without going completely insane is setting and celebrating a boatload of
Ticky Ticky
We were sitting at the Heritage in Waynesboro, Virginia, drinking beer, playing cribbage, fully enjoying the much deserved fourth Zero day of our 58
creature fear
After spending 40+ nights with your tent, you begin to think of it as a permanent home, with homelike qualities. Four crooked walls, a place to lay