Backpacker Radio 108 | Weezer & Dirty Avocado on the Arizona Trail
In today’s episode of Backpacker Radio presented by The Trek, we are joined by recurring guest, Steph Lotus aka Weezer, and her good pal, Dirty Avocado, as the duo recently wrapped a thru-hike of the Arizona Trail. This one is the mid-point between a trail overview and first person narrative of their journey, including some mild tragedy, comedy, and romance, giggidy.
We wrap the show with a triple crown of desert things, we tease the new Trail Correspondents season, and we are blessed with a bison poop story.
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Interview with Dirty A & Weezer
- Previous episodes with Weezer:
- Episode 35 (Weezer’s first appearance)
- Episode 60 (Girl Stuff)
- Weezer’s Instagram
- Dirty A’s Instagram
QOTD: What elements of trail life have bled into your off-trail life?
00:11:15 – We are coming to Wisconsin October 10-17!
00:13:24 – Have you done backpacking on the Ice Age Trail?
00:14:00 – Intro to Dirty A(vocado) and Weezer!
00:19:03 – Dirty A, you live in Colorado now?
00:20:00 – Dirty A, and you ski too right?
00:21:19 – Weezer, what’s your cliff notes backpacking resume?
00:22:22 – What was the inspiration for doing the AZT together?
00:27:38 – What were your base rules going into the hike?
00:28:16 – Did you guys ever actually separate?
00:29:46 – Dirty A, what shoes were you using?
00:30:44 – Dirty A, what shoes did you switch to?
00:33:45 – Dirty A, did poking holes in your shoe help your foot problem?
00:34L24 – Dirty A, can you speak more to doubting your entire thru-hiking career?
00:35:30 – Dirty A, have you ever questioned your entire thru-hiking career before?
00:37:43 – Was the turning point when Dirty A got new footwear?
00:38:38 – Dirty A, what model of shoes did you switch to?
00:40:01 – Weezer, what made you turn in?
00:41:31 – Were you having fun?
00:42:54 – What is a typical day on the AZT?
00:44:54 – Clarify what weight snob and water snob means?
00:53:52 – Can you compare the AZT to the PCT?
00:54:17 – Was the hot spell you experienced normal?
00:54:32 – When did you start? How does that compare to the normal northbound hiker?
00:55:10 – Was the snow unseasonal or did people start too early?
00:56:34 – Can you walk us through the next phase of the trail?
00:58:00 – How do people bike the AZT?
00:58:42 – Are we close to the new footwear?
00:59:19 – What do 20’s in the desert on the PCT translate to on the AZT?
01:04:35 – Did you have heel rub issues with the Altra 5.0?
01:06:58 – What happened after Mt.Lemmon?
01:07:46 – Is the trail continuously difficult or is it broken into sections?
01:09:34 – So the fences weren’t closed?
01:11:04 – Can you do the entire trail as a water snob?
01:12:39 – Can you give us a quick intro to Jarhead?
01:15:52 – What happened at Colossal Cave?
01:21:02 – What happens after the dead cow?
01:24:07 – Can you speak to the thru-hiking culture on the AZT? Were there many other thru-hikers?
01:26:33 – Are you using maps or are you following Guthook?
01:28:09 – Did you encounter a lot of snow?
01:24:17 – How does the AZT town experience compare to other trails?
01:35:10 – How are you getting information about most of the water caches?
01:35:48 – When did you finish the AZT?
01:36:22 – Any big stories from the second half of trail? Any poop stories?
01:44:52 – When did the crush tension start and with who, Weezer?
01:47:35 – How did you end up making a move?
01:49:57 – Did you ask jughead to play spin the jug?
01:51:21 – What are the details, how does a girl make a move on a guy? Were you hoping that he would make the move?
01:53:48 – Did he offer Cotezi a ride as well?
01:56:15 – What happened leading up to this?
01:59:00 – At what point on the road trip do you finally make out, Weezer?
02:03:55 – So what now?
02:04:33 – Do you have any poop stories?
Trek Propaganda
Triple Crown of Desert Things
Mail Bag
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A super big thank you to our Chuck Norris Award winner(s) from Patreon: Jason Lawrence, Austen McDaniel, Andrew, Christopher Marshburn, S11N, Sawyer Products, Brad and Blair (Thirteen Adventures), and Cameron Brown.
A big thank you to our Cinnamon Connection Champions from Patreon: Cynthia Voth, Brandon Spilker, Emily Brown, Jeffrey Miller, Mitchell, Zoe Jenkins, Dcnerdlet, Jeff LaFranier, Mark Snook, Peter Ellenberg, Thomas Fullmer, Jacob Northrup, Peter Leven, TraskVT and Lindsay Sparks.
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Comments 2
Great episode! Sounds like Weezer and Dirty A had a classic AZT experience. The wildlife water tanks are fenced to keep out cattle. Wildlife like deer go over, and smaller mammals like rabbits and tortoises go under. Water reliability and quality is an ever-growing concern on the AZT in light of climate change. And sorry about the cows — AZ is over-grazed and has been for over 100 years.