Backpacker Radio #48: Legend on His Long Trail FKT, Corpse Feet, and New Book
In today’s episode of Backpacker Radio presented by The Trek, we are once again joined by our pal Jeff Garmire, aka Legend. We catch up on all of his trail feats since he was last on the show, including his ridiculous sub-six-day day unsupported FKT on the Long Trail, how he messed around and set the Pinhoti FKT, his new book, Free Outside: A Trek Against Time and Distance, and much more. We have some Trek Propaganda and introduce a brand new segment: Trail Trivia, the drinking game. Crack open a PBR and play along, if you dare.
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- Sawyer Picaridin Packets
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- Apply to be a Vlogger / Blogger for The Trek!
- Apply to be a Writer for The Trek
- Backpacker Radio San Diego Meetup
- 10/30 from 6-9pm at The High Dive (more details coming soon!)
- Interview with Jeff “Legend” Garmire
- Legend’s Pinhoti FKT
- Legend’s Long Trail Unsupported FKT
- Legend’s diet
- His mentality while attempting an FKT
- Legend’s book: “Free Outside: A Trek Against Time and Distance“
- Legend’s nasty ass feet
- Legend’s Instagram
- Trek Propaganda
- How to Hike the Best Sections of the AT by Kelly Floro
- The Trek’s Gear Reviews
- 5-star iTunes Reviews
- Intro Song: Walking Slow by Animal Years
- Intro beats: Pauly Boy Shallcross
- Check out Trail Correspondents
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A super big thank you to our Chuck Norris Award winner(s) from Patreon: Christopher Mashburn, S11N, Sawyer Products, Todd Cartner, and Travis Smith
A big thank you to our Cinnamon Connection Champions from Patreon: Christopher Marshburn, Lance Whitley, S11N, Sawyer Products, and Thomas Fullmer
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