Backpacker Radio Episode #4: The Real Hiking Viking Pt II, Scariest Moments from the Trail, and Thru-Hiking Nutrition
For Episode #4, we are again joined by our buddy, The Real Hiking Viking. This time, instead of an interview, Jabba joins us as the third co-host of the show. It does not disappoint. Or maybe it does. Who can be sure.
Subjects discussed in Episode 4 include:
- Recording from Wayfinder Co-op in Denver, CO
- The Real Hiking Viking and Badger’s PCT Diet
- Nutrition hack: GREEN POWDERS! Amazing Grass and Navitas
- The Danger of Relying on Faux Foods by Katie Gerber
- Chaunce loves powdered milk
- Tree sap seals a crack
- Ian Mangiardi ambushes Badger and Jabba (their documentary- As It Happens)
- Badger gets charged by a mountain lion
- 65 Pieces of Advice from Past Thru-Hikers to Future Thru-Hikers
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Comments 5
I’ve done zero prep so far in terms of resupply boxes with the exception of dropping 130 bucks on Amazing Grass. It was reassuring to hear that y’all think it helps.
Sounds quality and intro music sound superb in this episode!
Yikes. I was holding my breath during your stories. I forgive the bad language this time.
The Jabba bear story made the podcast…
Great story time. Looking for the photo of the bread pillow!