Backpacker Radio LIVE in Denver on December 7th + Holiday Hiker Meetup

Calling all Denver folks! Backpacker Radio will be LIVE in Denver for the second time this year! Come hang with Zach and Chaunce along with their guest, Kyle O’Grady of Kyle Hates Hiking. Join us for an evening discussing Kyle’s recent adventures, triple crowns, audience Q&A’s, door prizes, and a never-before-told trail mystery from Kyle himself!

Where: Skylark Lounge, 140 S Broadway, Denver, CO 80209

When: Saturday, December 7th. Doors open at 4:30pm, recording begins at 5pm.

Buy Your Ticket!

Please note that this event is 21+ only. Additionally, the venue is located on the 2nd floor of the Skylark Lounge and is only accessible by stairs. Necessary accommodations can potentially be arranged with advanced notice. While the venue does not serve food, attendees are welcome to bring outside food. Conveniently, there is a pizza restaurant just across the street. The Skylark Lounge has a small parking lot and is also easily accessed by the Route 0 bus line along Broadway.

The live podcast will be followed by The Trek’s annual Holiday Hiker Meetup with the Continental Divide Trail Coalition. This is your chance to connect with fellow hiker trash, talk trail, and raise some funds for one of your favorite trail non-profits. We’ll be raffling off prizes, with 100% of the proceeds going straight to the CDTC. We estimate the meetup will kick off around 8:30pm, but we encourage all to join us for the podcast as well!

Dress code: Ugly Sweater. 

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