Barb Carbon Wants Badger Sponsorship Because
Alright team, now it’s up to you.
If you want Barb Carbon to win the very awesome 2013 Badger Sponsorship (including a free Deuter backpack and sleeping bag, some trail magic (courtesy A Trail Life), A free signed copy of Appalachian Trials, my phone number for emotional support, and some Innate mentor storage sacs – BALLER!), simply click the Facebook like button at the bottom of this post.
The winner will be announced at 11AM EST on Thursday, February 21st. Whoever has the most blue Facebook thumbs at that time wins. Their fate lies in your hands (thumbs, specifically).
You can vote for more than one person. This is like American Idol (assuming you can vote for more than one person there, I don’t watch the show, I’m not sure why I used that as a comparison).
Also, check out the other Badger Sponsorship video submissions.
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