What Are the Best Hostels on the Appalachian Trail? [POLL]
To the uninitiated, a large room full of small, stacked beds populated by stinky people and their gear might not seem all that enticing.
Don’t be fooled.
For thru-hikers and section-hikers alike, the hostels that line the Appalachian Trail are a blessing. Not only do they offer affordable lodging (not to mention shower and laundry) to those who are highly budget-sensitive (and dirty), but it is the owners and employees of these establishments that fuel a hiker’s spirit with their generosity, wisdom, and entertaining tales.
But chances are, your schedule and/or budget won’t allow you to stay at each of the hostels along the Trail. So let’s figure it out. Which can’t be missed?
As per usual, I asked those who know the AT the best to share their favorite hostels. The most common answers are included below. If we missed any, please feel free to add them in the comments.
You can vote for up to three hostels below, and are encouraged to do so.
Poll Closed! Thanks for voting. Find the best Appalachian Trail hostels here!
Please share this poll to help us get a more complete understanding of the Trail’s best hostels!
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Comments 2
Just getting in to it lived right beside it for 40 yrs.. at Harrisburg pannslyvina. Near rt 443.. so just looking hope for some feed back .. I’m on a phone not to good with computers…
Hey everyone! We have a new offering in Troutdale Virginia http://www.SufiLodge.org hope to see you all soon.