What are the Best 3-7 Day Sections on the Appalachian Trail? [POLL]
Free time. It’s something we all have, yet few have enough of it. With an unsatisfactory number of days allocated to vacation each year, the importance of wisely spending this precious time cannot be understated.
That’s why when someone asks, “What is the Best Section of the Appalachian Trail?“, they are likely curious to explore, and with limited time to do so, we should do what we can to point them in the best direction.
Thus the purpose of this post.
Assuming said hypothetical person has a week (or less) to see the country’s most famous long trail, where would you point him/her? I reached out to my thru-hiker comrades as well as those who eat, breathe, and sleep the AT on Facebook to provide input on their favorite 3-7 day trips. I’ve collected the most common responses and included them in the below poll.
So let’s get some group consensus here….What Are the Best 3-7 Day Backpacking Trips on the Appalachian Trail?
The below sections are listed in order from south to north. You can vote for up to three sections (and are encouraged to do so). For most, the 100-mile wilderness will likely take more than a week. We included it anyway.
Poll Closed! Thanks for voting.
lead photo courtesy: VA State Park
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Comments 1
I am planning a 3 day hike on the AT and wanting to get some advice on hiking what area. I live in Louisville, Ky . We have been searching the internet I can’t single one out. Can you help? any suggestions would be appreciated.