What Are the Best Towns Along the Appalachian Trail? [POLL]
After a few unfortunate days on the Trail- say a bad thunderstorm, extreme hot or cold temperatures, a rolled ankle- nothing that rejuvenates a hiker’s spirits quite like a trip to town. A day or two worth of greasy food, a shower, real bed, more greasy food, laundry, a movie at the local hostel, a few beers, some more greasy food- and you’re ready to reassume your outdoor animal-like alter ego.
But some towns have a bit more gravity than others- those with the complete package: friendly people, standout restaurants, accommodating hostels, notable hikes into and/or out of town, etc.
So let’s figure which are the best of the best.
The below poll includes many of the towns either on or within a short hitch of the Appalachian Trail. The term “best town” can be a bit nebulous, so instead ask yourself “if I were going to visit one town on the AT for a day or two, which would that be?“.
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Comments 1
Damascus, VA has the friendliest people a Microbrewery, fantastic food, Trail Days, suppliers, hostels, showers, laundry, etc. all kinds of things geared toward the hiker. It’s a beautiful townm