Book/ Movie Review “Wild”
“Wild” by Cheryl Strayed
Book Review
Part of preparing for my trek I decided it would be a good idea to read some books. I haven’t read a book, cover to cover, for pleasure since College. Life has just been so busy, and when you spend all day reading emails and corporate articles, sometimes you just don’t have it in you to sit down with a good book. Social media addiction and streaming service distractions don’t helped. Regardless of my reasons, or the excuses I tell myself, I decided that part of my trek will be getting back in touch with reading.
My partner, Jackie, suggested “Wild” to me a while ago. He even purchased a hard copy of the book, and I brushed his recommendation off. He even suggested that I watch the movie staring Reese Witherspoon, but I was not interested at the time. Having just finished the book, and having watched the movie I can’t believe I put off this great story. The book centers around Cheryl’s epic adventure and the life decisions that lead her to hike the PCT, as well as her personal growth and acceptance of the beauty of a world where you just let it be.
I like that the book talks about the PCT instead of the AT, because I don’t want to go into my Trek with the entire journey already explored. The frank discussions of what starting out with no training program were like were very relatable. I too am very much the kind of person who just wakes up and decides to do something, going in half cocked but with the determination to see it through. Hey, with enough duct tape anything is possible.
I think it is funny what things that she brought with her in the beginning that were just added weight. “Amateur” I thought, but then as I kept reading, I realized that she was noting somethings that I had not thought of (like duct tape, and walking poles). It was humbling, and pointed out that just as she experienced imposter syndrome, I struggle with that feel a lot. I am currently getting the last of my gear, and preparing for my first weigh in of me and my fully loaded pack. I already know that some adjustments will need to be made to the final gear list.
Movie Review
The movie “Wild” is available on Amazon Prime, (that is where I watched it at least). As usual, the book was way better because it puts into word the internal thoughts, however Reese’s portrayal of Cheryl was true to the book. The movie is structured with flashbacks which show both the context of memory as well as the randomness of how we remember certain things.
The movie does alter the events slightly, which after finishing the book I was a little miffed about. But compared to other movies the changes are minimal and don’t interfere too much with the flow of the movie. What I enjoyed more in the movie than in the book was the landscapes. They filmed onsite, so seeing the actual wilderness a PCT thru hiker would be going was really cool. It didn’t really shift my thoughts on what I was going to pack though, aside from footwear. Both the book and the movie have made me seriously look footwear, and are pushing me to learn how to better care for my feet on the trail.
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Comments 1
So nice to “meet” you, Heather! This was one of the books that kicked off my desire to hike the AT! Bill Bryson’s A Walk in the Woods was the other book that inspired me! Hopefully, we will meet up at Trail Days!!