Book Review: “Lost on the Appalachian Trail”

Lost on the Appalachian Trail” is a self-published book by author Kyle Rohrig, a 2014 Northbound thru-hiker. Written closely after finishing the trail, Kyle’s thoughts and feelings about his journey were fresh in his mind as he wrote.

Trail named “The Mayor,” Kyle sets out on a pilgrimage to challenge his limits by thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail. After exiting the Great Smoky Mountains, lost on the Appalachian TrailKyle unexpectedly receives word that his dog Katana, or “CatFox” can no longer be looked after. Not wanting to end his hike, the decision to bring Katana along alters his adventure in ways he never could have imagined.

Each chapter details a state, as readers follow Kyle step-by-step from Georgia to Maine.

Kyle accurately describes the beauty, aches, pains, ups, downs and little (yet astounding) synchronicities that make thru-hiking such a unique experience.

An honest and intimate account of personal discovery, “Lost on the Appalachian Trail” gives readers an in-depth look at the mental and physical challenges faced on a long distance hike. An excellent representation of thru-hiking culture, this is a blunt and often humorous description of a hikers’ life.

Follow Kyle and Katana as they are moulded into hardened hikers, make friends, endure injuries and whether storms on their way up the Eastern seaboard.

Read more about the book and see reviews on Amazon.

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Comments 16

  • Mary from N.J. : Dec 20th

    I could not put this book down!!

  • Turtle Tracker : Dec 20th

    This book was awesome. One of the best hiking books I’ve read. I imagine that writing an entertaining book about walking is very difficult but Kyle does it well. He details not only the hike itself, but also his thought processes and growth throughout. Very introspective. In fact, I liked it so much that I’ve purchased several copies as going away presents for family that are curious about why I’m doing this and what I might experience.

    • Kyle : Dec 21st

      Feel free to contact me on Facebook if you have any questions about your upcoming hike.

      -Kyle Rohrig

  • Bill Smith : Dec 20th

    Oh look, it’s Kyle Rohrig, the guy who snuck his dog up Katahdin illegally. His dag is named Katana, and he snuck it up when he full well knew the rules of Baxter State Park. On the way down, he encountered a park official and he told the official “F the system” when asked if Katana was a service animal.

    On the way out of the park due to Kyle, Baxter State Park was checking each vehicle to look for the offender ( Kyle Rohrig ) and Kyle admitted on his now pulled blog “” that he his Katana in his backpack and “got away with it”.

    How do I know this? I read his blog, and was directly told this by someone who overheard him and his buddies boasting how they put one over on Baxter State Park while in Millinocket celebrating at the Appalachian Trail Cafe.

    In my personal opinion, people like Kyle are THE reason why Baxter State Park is so upset with thru-hikers. Kyle directly violated the rules just as much as Scott Jurek, yet no one hears about Kyle Rohrig. And there are many “Kyle Rohrig’s” each season who desecrate the trail and destroy the experience for future thru hikers. I strongly suggest that no one purchase this guys book, for you are supporting someone who helped form Baxter State Park’s current opinion on thru-hikers.

    Do some research, everything I said above is true. If Kyle has any honor left, he will admit this to everyone what I said above.

    • Mark : Jan 7th

      I think you need to ‘pull the stick out’ and get a life!

  • Kyle : Dec 21st

    All of that information is already in the book. Every single word of it. However you have not read the book, yet you are making comments like this, and out of context comments to boot.


  • Chris Moran : Dec 21st

    Despite Bill Smith’s complaint about Kyle’s capital offense of bringing a dog in the park, I loved the book. By the way I hear the FBI is moving an entire team of agents from their counterterrorism unit to investigate the “dog in the park” allegation that Bill discovered through his painstaking research, despite the fact it was in the book and all he had to do was read it. But none the less, this book was great and it’s only fanning the flames of my urge to hike the trail myself.

  • Lindsay Smallwood : Dec 25th

    Got it for a xmas, great book so far!

  • Chiefhiker : Dec 25th

    To anyone who has never broken a rule, you are allowed to hike in Baxter State Park. Where is everyone? I do not advocate breaking rules, despite the fact that I am guilty at times of doing so. I believe rules are good usually. Where rules are not good, we need to peacefully seek to change them, or abide by them, or disregard them with the knowledge that we may have to suffer unwanted consequences.

  • Jim Boehner : Dec 28th

    Got the book from my daughter for Christmas and enjoying it greatly, especially the way it is written. As for the complaint about bringing a pup to the summit…get a grip man!!! I’d love to share the experience with my dog and if we made it to Katahdin, he’d damn sure summit with me! Let’s worry about more important things that really have a detrimental effect on our environment.

  • Shepard Collins : Apr 8th

    I am only on page 70, but I’m loving this book. I was laughing out loud last night, a slow night at my cash register at a wholesale store, when I read the part about the bowel crisis during the Smoky’s ridge walk. As far as Bill Smith’s Baxter Park rant, I appreciate his love of the law, but laws are mostly meant to stop the malicious or negligent, and Kyle was neither. Kyle, in 5 years I reach 59 and a half and my retirement funds are available. I am doing crossfit in the meantime to stay in shape and I plan to do a thru hike if my wife will lengthen my leash when that time comes (I’ll probably have to bribe her – “Honey there’s $30k for a new kitchen, if you let me go for 6 months”). Thanks for your great writing and inspiration.

  • Amy : Jul 9th

    I couldn’t put it down .. I’ve read a lot of Thru-hike books but Kyle’s truly was exceptional. You felt as though you were right there with him. Many times I couldn’t help but chuckle about his many hilarious experiences. Thank you Kyle for your oh so honest account of your amazing adventure! I hope I get to do my own thu-hike one day.

  • Rebecca Scott : Jul 14th

    I just finished your book and I loved it! I, too, feel that we do to much running on the hamster wheel without taking time to enjoy life. Our desire to acquire things is obscene. Why do we need so much stuff?!? I may never be a thru-hiker but the idea of even taking on such an adventure remains with me an exciting dream. I learned so much about the experience from your words. I plan to pass the book on to my sibs and hope to perk their interest in doing some hiking with me!
    Thanks again; it was a wonderful and memorable read!

  • Sandy Stone : Aug 20th

    I am not finished with the book (just crossing into NY). I love it! I am a big fan of thru-hike books, and have read several. Thanks for sharing your experience. All the best to you and your fur baby.

  • Ernest M Moshurchak : Sep 5th

    Enjoyed your book Kyle. I’m curious about the Keen sandals you picked up in New York. I own a pair that I’ve had (forever it seems) that are still in pretty good condition in spite of being worn nearly every day except in winter. I think they would have been my choice from the outset if I ever decided to do something crazy like you did. I’m wondering if they were comfortable in cold weather and if you are using them in your current adventure.

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