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Trail Name “Boomerang” Retired Military Officer, World Traveler, Chef, and aspiring Thru Hiker. Taking the all-of-the-above approach to not growing old gracefully and living the quiet life in Montana. My wife and I have a small ranch and 18 horses and mules. Having successfully thru-hiked The Appalachian Trail in June, 2024 I spent a few weeks healing overuse injuries and started SOBO on The Continental Divide Trail in early August, 2024 and came off trail for foot surgery. In January 2025 I will begin to walk the 560 miles from France to the coast of Spain on the Camino Frances. In March 2025 I will begin my trek North from Crazy Crook NM to Canada to complete the CDT. Upon completion I will begin a SOBO journey on the PCT in an attempt to complete the Triple Crown. We'll see what the far side of the year will bring.