Campaign Plan 2025 (AZT, Denali, 14ers)

Hello everyone!! Trail name Near-miss here and wanted to give a short synopsis of my Campaign Plan 2025 and what to expect if you decide to follow me on The Trek 😁

I thru hiked the AT in β€˜23, CDT (which felt more like a year long section hike than a thru hike) in β€˜24. This year I’m thru hiking the AZT AND attempting Denali in June (3/7 🀞🏻). I’m also aiming to finish the rest of the Colorado 14ers (currently 29/58), some of the Pacific Northwest peaks (Whitney, Rainer, Hood, Baker, Adams, St Helens) and Mt Blanc in the fall. 

Definitely a long year planned and looking forward to the challenges! I’m not an FKTer and more in love with mountaineering than thru hiking, but I’ll be posting content about both 😁 

if anyone else is on the AZT this year, look forward to meeting you out there! 


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Comments 6

  • Maxwell E : Jan 22nd

    That is an insane year of thruhiking and peakbagging goals! For most people, these objectives would be closer to a decade-long bucketlist. Crazy. Can’t wait to read about how it goes. Thanks for using Denali rather than the “new” / old name McKinley… we have a lot of stupidity ahead in the near future. Best of luck!

    • Stephen Palazzo : Jan 23rd

      Thanks!! It will definitely be a fun year. Appreciate you following along.

      And yea Denali is a more fitting name for such an iconic peak 😁

  • Jess : Jan 27th

    Love love love all of the awesome photos! Can’t wait to read about your crazy year coming up. Going to be some legendary trail updates for sure

    • Stephen Palazzo : Feb 4th

      Thanks Jess! Appreciate everything you and the team are doing for bloggers as well. Very organized and welcoming 😁

  • Oliver Edwards : Feb 4th

    Hey, fellow AZT hiker this year. You have some lofty goals my friend! Hope to meet you in Arizona, but I have a feeling you are going to be devouring miles, so if you start before me I’ll miss you entirely. Best of luck with the peaks! And good on ya for snowshoeing prep. I’m doing that but not because I plan to summit Alaskan peaks in June, more like I don’t have a choice, it’s either snowshoes or road walking with the traffic!

    • Stephen Palazzo : Feb 4th

      Lol I know what you mean. It’s def like that during the winter in CO when in the back country.

      I’m starting 9 March-when’s your start date? We might cross paths!


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