Best-Of Surveys
Thru-Hikers’ Favorite Sections of the Appalachian Trail
Of all 2,190+ miles of the AT, Class of 2023 thru-hikers voted these seven iconic sections as their favorites. Whether these stretches were loved for their panoramic views, memorable terrain,...
Best Restaurants on the Appalachian Trail
It's no secret that the way to a thru-hiker's heart is through their stomach. Ramen bombs are great and all, but when you're burning 4,000 calories a day there's nothing...
TLDR: Summarizing the 2021 Appalachian Trail Thru Hiker Survey (Plus Hikers’ Favorite Sections of the Trail)
For the past few months, we’ve been analyzing the results from the 2021 Appalachian Trail Thru Hiker survey. In this post, we'll summarize what we’ve learned from the class of...
Stoves, Diet and Water Filtration on the Appalachian Trail: 2021 Thru-Hiker Survey
Each year here at The Trek, we ask long-distance hikers on the Appalachian Trail (AT) about the stoves and water filters they used on their 2021 Thru hike. This post...
Top Backpacks on the Appalachian Trail: 2021 Thru-Hiker Survey
Each year here at The Trek, we survey long-distance hikers on the Appalachian Trail (AT) on the gear they used on their 2021 thru-hike. In this post, we’ll cover all...
Top Tents and Shelters on the Appalachian Trail: 2021 Thru-Hiker Survey
Each year here at The Trek, we survey long-distance hikers on the Appalachian Trail (AT) on the shelter systems they use. In this post we’ll cover the trends from the...
The Top Footwear on the Appalachian Trail: 2021 Thru-Hiker Survey
Following the general information survey results released a few weeks ago, our attention now turns to Joal’s favorite subject: gear. Each year as part of The Trek’s annual thru-hiker survey,...
The 2021 AT Thru-Hiker Survey: General Information
Welcome to the 2021 Appalachian trail thru-hiker survey! We are glad to be back after taking last year off due to… well you know. (We did survey AT section hikers...
2020 Appalachian Trail Section-Hiker Survey: Resupply and Transportation
Long overlooked in our annual surveys, Appalachian Trail (AT) section hikers were the focus of the Trek's 2020 survey. We surveyed 448 people, 43 of whom had completed the entire...
The 2020 AT Section Hiker Survey: Companions and Demographics
Long overlooked in our annual surveys, Appalachian Trail (AT) section hikers were the focus of this year’s survey. We surveyed 448 people, 43 of whom had completed the entire AT...