Trail Correspondents
Trail Correspondents S3 Episode #13 | The Last Week on Trail
Today brings us to our hikers last week on trail. Here, we asked our hikers to reflect on their journey overall. Although this isn't technically a wildcard episode, we gave...
Trail Correspondents S3 Episode #12 | The Mental Grind
The trail is my teacher. Perhaps one of the most underrated aspects of a long distance backpacking trip is the time it allows someone to be with their thoughts. It's...
Trail Correspondents S3 Episode #11 | The Mental Grind
It is said that the mental component is the most challenging aspect of a thru-hike. I am one of those making this claim, in fact, I wrote two books on...
Trail Correspondents S3 Episode #10 | Wildcard III
We're back at it today with this season's third edition of our wildcard episode. Instead of giving our hikers a specific prompt, they are given the freedom to report on...
Trail Correspondents S3 Episode #9 | The Thru-Hiker’s Diet
What does one eat on a backpacking trip? It may seem like a simple question with an equally simple answer. But dig a bit beneath the surface and, you'll quickly...
Trail Correspondents S3 Episode #8 | The Physical Adjustment
Obvious statement of the year award- walking the length of the country will do a number on one's body. Just how severe is the impact...well, that's what our trekkers will...
Trail Correspondents S3 Episode #7 | Wildcard II
Because our prompts can often leave the juiciest trail stories uncovered, this season, we have built-in even more wildcard episodes, where our correspondents muse on whatever is most inspiring to
Trail Correspondents S3 Episode #6 | The Social Dynamic
Today we explore the social dynamic of a thru-hike. If you've listened to previous seasons shows on this subject, you might think that you already know the answer to this...
Trail Correspondents Season 3 Episode #5 | Surprises
Roughly one month into their journey, our correspondents are now at the point of learning about just how much they don't know about their trail, themselves, and thru-hiking as a...
Trail Correspondents Season 3 Episode #4 | Wildcard I
It's Wildcard time! A few times a season, we challenge our correspondents' to be creative and discuss whatever they want to! Our trail correspondents lived up to the challenge that...