Section Hiking
From Baxter to the Border, A rundown of Maine’s IAT
Whether you set off with the goal of completing the Eastern Continental Trail, you couldn’t shake the hiking bug after summiting Katahdin on the Appalachian Trail (AT), or are wishing...
Stevens Pass to Snoqualmie Pass
Words can't capture section J of the PCT. My pictures probably don't either, but they'll get closer than words would.
Week 1: Feels Good to Feel Good
My brain hasn't quite caught up with my body yet, as starting this blog post has been significantly harder than anything else I did during week one.
Trail Days 2024 Hiker’s Stories – “Bad Idea” and Willow
This is the second installment of my Trail Days 2024 Hiker's Stories. Here is a link to the first installment. It seemed like Tent City in the south end of...
Return to Dick’s Creek: New Gear, New Hiker, New State
We're heading back out soon. Making calculated gear changes and weighing new items. And adding a new member to our hiking team for our May 2024 trek. This year, Daniel,...
The First Hills Passed – Days One, Two, and Three
Day One: Saturday, 24 February 2024 — Amicalola Falls Visitor Center to Black Gap Shelter The sun sets over hills passed. My mother and step-father hiked a few miles...
The People, the Places and the Perils of the Florida Trail
No, unlike what most people expect, I wouldn’t say that alligators are a major peril on this hike. The only ones I’ve seen have been at a distance down low...
Five Tips for Backpacking the A.T. in Georgia
Planning your A.T. adventure for Georgia? If it’s April, pack for winter. If it’s September, pack for spring. I don’t make the rules.
Rescued by a Green Dragon
Blue Mountain is an over-eager aerobics instructor in blue leg warmers; cheering you on saying “you got this!” When you clearly don’t.
A Fallen Tree Drinks from Horsetrough
"I am seven trees now, when I was only one. This will happen to you," he said kindly.