Clearing Multicolor Mental Clutter
I am now on my way to start on the AT in mid March. This entry of my blog is coming to Appalachian Trials from Cambodia. After a hasty departure from my Peace Corps Volunteer life in Azerbaijan, I flew to Siem Reap. I could get a visa to Cambodia in only three days!
Cambodia is another interesting place on the earth and the 57th country through which I have traveled. But, I came here not for the location, but rather to untangle two years of verbal, interpersonal, cultural, political, and economic complexities that came with living and working in Azerbaijan. I’m still unsure of many things. I can relate some of my experiences. However, the symbols I have come to understand during a long life do not have the ability to communicate the reality of this story. Many questions are asked. At this juncture, I have no answers, only wishes for everyone to have freedom, peace, adventure, friends, and love…… as I am so lucky to have in my life.
Before searching for the start of the AT and before analyzing two years of complexities in Mingechevir, Azerbaijan, I was determined to first clear some space in my mind. Like a computer, I find I need plenty of RAM for this kind of thought. Not far from Cambodia’s capitol of religious sites, Angkor Wat, is a yoga and meditation center. I spent 11 days of yoga and meditation activities along with fresh, healthy, local, vegan food. The meals were lovingly prepared and well presented. It was the perfect start to my AT preparation activities, as much multicolor clutter was cleared from my mental whiteboard.
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