Colorado Trail Training



KN and her rescue mutt, Jewel, accompany me as I train for CT, June, 22 CT. The best way for training is just doing it. Eh? So, I put some weights in my day pack, an Osprey  25L Sirius, load up my water bladder, grab my sticks, put my head down, and just hike.

Ok, we don’t have altitude; but we can put one foot in front of the other, even if it’s slow… Anything else is too hocus-pocus. Work. Climb. Endurance. Suck it up! Ten miles today.


So, I had to improve, fast. I hired an awesome trainer, also a hiker, who understood long-distance hiking. Being a cripple not an option. Muscle atrophy a lousy hinderance. He is helping me gain strength muscle.

The only one I know who understands Trail culture is the lady in orange. Her rescue mutt, Jewel, really likes hiking too. Her canine four legs an asset to our human two.  Not fair! I figure, if I can keep up with Jewel, I’m ok.

The dog is a protective companion and tall. Now strong enough (thanks to KN’s nurturing)  I can lean on her. She’s a good pup, not scared of my hiking poles, and likes to “help”.

I’m still a bit challenged from my pelvis fractures. The dog senses my frailty and is there. I love dogs, don’t you?


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Comments 2

  • C : Mar 10th

    Enjoyed your article and wish you great luck. A couple of things that might help your success with the trip being within three months. Start using your real gear instead of day packs and weights. You’ll know beforehand if your pack really fits after many miles, or if you can reach your water bottle easily, etc… Same with footwear. The next is related, do several shakedown hikes. You have alot of redundant gear that you won’t need. I can’t tell you what it is but eg instead of three glasses get a pair of polarized bifocals or quality clip-ons for bifocals. After several shakedown hikes if you haven’t used it you should seriously consider whether or not you need to bring it along. Once you add 10 to 14 lb of food and water to your pack your weight will be back over 40 which will be miserable for you. All of those little things add up to extra pounds. Shoot for a base weight more like 20, you’ll be glad you did. Absolutely best wishes for you, way to tackle your dreams!!

  • Houston : Mar 11th

    I never thought I would see Brazos Bend State Park on this site! I hope you got some good gator sightings. Some of the trails in the north of the park (gator free!) are nice and remote with some good overlooks of the river. Best of luck with the training and happy trails!


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