Bear Hanging in Grizzly Country

This morning we broke down camp and grabbed our food bags. Then began hiking out around 8am. Hopefully today we run into our friends!

Within the first mile we had to cross straight through a river which didn’t have a bridge or log going over it. The water was so cold it took my breath away. That would be the first of many crossings for the day as well.

Lush trail passing through open fields as we hiked this morning.

Everyone was feeling good so we walked for few hours before stopping. When we passed by the Badger Ranger Station we couldn’t resist taking lunch. The station wasn’t manned at the moment. But there was a picnic table, well water pump, and a nice covered porch on the building. I decided to make a hot lunch to fill me up. I made a knorr Spanish rice and added a whole big piece of cheese to it. Everybody dried their shoes and socks off on the porch as we enjoyed our break.

The ranger cabin just off in the distance. This was the perfect spot to take a break.

I ate and then filled up on some water. Then I did a bit of stretching before we got going again. I’ve been feeling really good lately. Even pushing bigger miles I still feel strong. It’s like my trail legs are already coming in and it’s only been a week or so. I’m surprised that that is even possible.

At this point in the day we were making fantastic time. We only had 14 miles to go and had walked nearly 10 already. When we left the ranger station the trail took us through grassy valleys filled with wild flowers. It was over grown and scratchy at times. There was a little bit of climbing to do, but nothing too crazy. Later on we passed by an intersection along the trail we decided to stop there for a break. I’ve been pretty good about snacking recently while walking and breaking. I’m trying to eat as much as I can.

All of our socks and shoes drying out during our lunch break. It seems like every day we have to ford rivers and get our feet wet.

We continued along from there and the trail was super cruisy. It was over grown still but was mostly flat and downhill trail. You had to pay pretty good attention to your footing because of roots and rocks, but that wasn’t a problem. We continued along for 5 more miles until we came to Elbow Creek. I had thought there was a chance that we would catch our friends there, but when we arrived no one was around. I snacked on a bag of dried mango as we relaxed there. I’m slowly but surely working my way through the hoards of food that I packed out for this 120 mile stretch.

A funny trailhead called Crucifixion trail.

At this point it was 3:45pm and we only planned to do another 5 miles or so. Hopefully that’s where our friends will be camping for the night too. We could potentially do 10.8 to the next camp site if our friends aren’t at the closer one. But it wouldn’t be so bad to have an early night either. Then we could have a nice early start tomorrow.

Walking through wide open meadows.

We wound up walking until 6pm and arrived at the next campsite. Sadly no one else was there! Where are our friends? They must have done a big day and gone to the next camp site. One day soon we’ll catch them though.

Even though it was early everyone wanted to call it for the day. The thought of cooking, eating, hanging food, and getting ready for bed, all well before dark sounded great. I made a ramen with peanut butter in it for dinner. Then I ate some candy and hung out with everyone.

Half of a CDT trail marker on a tree.

Later on Tripod and I found another amazing tree and hung our food. Then I laid up and wrote for a long while before going to bed. Tomorrow we’re going to have a nice early start.

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Comments 1

  • Jamie : Jul 14th

    Hi Peg Leg,
    I read your blog all last summer and enjoyed every minute of it. I’m so glad you’re back out on the trail again this year. I’m an old man, fighting cancer, so I can’t get out and do much, but reading your blog is nearly as good as being there. You’re an excellent writer! Keep up the good work, have fun and good luck on the trail!



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