Congratulations to These Continental Divide Trail Thru-Hike Finishers: Part 2

The Continental Divide Trail stands as one of the most challenging, remote, and rewarding thru-hikes in North America, spanning roughly 3,100 miles from the Mexico-New Mexico border to the Canadian-Montana border. This trail traverses the Rocky Mountains as it winds across the Continental Divide and greets hikers with vast deserts, alpine tundra, and mighty forests. The terrain may be tough, but the thru-hikers braving this trail are even tougher. 

Completing a CDT thru-hike is a monumental achievement, demanding unparalleled physical and mental endurance as hikers face dangerous weather, high elevation, unpredictable wildlife, long resupplies, scarce water, and intense elevation gains. We are truly thrilled to celebrate the tough-as-nails CDT Class of 2024. 

Did you finish your CDT journey? Share your accomplishment with us by submitting a photo via the form below — we can’t wait to recognize you!

Submit Your CDT Finisher Photo Here!

Finish Date: September 17

Finish Date: September 17

Finish Date: September 17

Semper Dry
Finish Date: November 3

Finish Date: October 1

GB (GoodBoy)
Finish Date: August 31

Finish Date: October 11

Finish Date: October 24

Finish Date: September 10

The Chairman
Finish Date: September 15

Finish Date: July 31

All of these hikers went up against difficult odds — and some of America’s wildest wilderness — and came out the other side stronger for it. A massive, heartfelt congratulations to them.

If you finished the CDT this year, don’t forget to submit your own finishing photo to be celebrated in the next part of this series!

Submit Your CDT Finisher Photo Here!

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