Hikers Crash the Augusta Rodeo
This morning I was up around 8am. A few of us went to go and get breakfast together. We weren’t able to sit inside the restaurant so we just took everything to go and brought it back to the table by our campsite. I really wanted a delicious iced coffee but all they had was one of those creamy Red Bull drinks. I’d never had one before so I decided to get it, and it was pretty damn gross.
For the first part of the day everybody just hung out and charged their devices. I went through my resupply from yesterday and packed everything into my food bag. Then I just lounging in my tent and it rained lightly in the early afternoon. The rodeo wasn’t until 2pm, so we definitely had some time to kill. I got a chili cheese dog at a place down the street which was super good. Then I just did a whole bunch of nothing until the rodeo started.
I was pretty content just laying in my tent and doing nothing all day. But there was no way that I was going to miss the rodeo. Right around 2pm a group of us all headed down the street to where the rodeo takes place. The stands were filled with people and the energy was incredible. Our group found a nice place to stand while we watched the show. Augusta allows you to open carry alcohol, which is a pretty cool law. So all weekend long people were walking around with beers and glasses of liquor. You can walk around with whatever you want. One of the guys I’ve been hiking with, Dirty, spent the afternoon walking around with a giant bag of buttery Chardonnay which was absolutely hilarious.
Partway through the rodeo I headed down the street with 9 Lives and Giggles to grab some food and another drink. We got food at that Greek food truck again, which was so good yesterday. Then we headed back to the rodeo just in time to watch the guys ride the bulls. We had already watched guys riding horses and a bunch of other rodeo acts. But I knew the real show was going to be the bull riding.
All in all, the rodeo was super entertaining. I’m really not a big fan of zoos or other things like that. But I’ll make an exception for the rodeo that just happened to be going on the day we walked into this random town.
The rodeo finished up around 6pm and then everybody left and headed out to the surrounding bars. A group of us went over to the Western Bar, which has been our spot while we’ve been in town. I hung out for a couple rounds and then left to grab some food. We are going to be hiking tomorrow so I definitely don’t want to go too hard today. I got some fry bread from a food truck down the street and then I got some ice cream for dessert.
After that I headed back to the campground to chill out for the rest of the day. After a while everybody came back to the campground as well. Some hikers kept drinking on and off throughout the night, but I was pretty much done at this point. I had to do a little bit of work while I had service. And then I took a nice hot shower in the campground. Finally around 11pm I headed back to my tent to call it a night.
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Comments 1
Peg Legg
It looks like everyone had a great time a the rodeo.
Looking forward to more tales about you and your merry band of hikers.
Take care and keep on trucking.