Preparing for the Colorado Trail
Well, it’s official… I have left my summer jobs and will be starting the Colorado Trail in 10-ish days. I have to be finished by the 25th of August for school, so I’m giving myself about 30 days to complete the trail. Since I am already acclimated to high elevations, I don’t think it will be too hard – especially when I have views like this to look forward to…
Here’s what my gear situation looks like right now –
GoLite Jam Pack 50 L – 30 oz. The Jam Pack is the best pack ever. I was able to score a free pack when I worked for GoLite. Thanks, GoLite!
EMS Boreal Sleeping bag (20 degree synthetic) – 48 oz. This bag is heavy, but I needed a new bag in Hanover, NH last summer on the AT and this was the best bag I could find. Now I’m stuck with it until I spend the money on a new ultralite bag.
Tarptent Contrail – 27.5 Oz – I bought this tent a while back and wrote a review about it here!
Klymit Intertia X Lite – 6.1 oz. I was skeptical about this pad, but was able to buy it at a discount so I took a risk in purchasing it without trying it out. Last weekend, I took it out camping with me and was able to sleep on it comfortably. It’s extremely light and packs down really well.
MSR Pocket Rocket – 3 oz. My Jetboil was stolen in March and I chose to buy the Pocket Rocket instead because it’s lighter.
Halulite Minimalist Cook Set – 6 oz. Just a basic ultralite cook set.
MSR Isopro Fuel – 3.9 ounces. This much fuel should get me through half the trail – I think.
The Colorado Trail Data Book – This book is lightweight and has everything I need in it. I wish it had more information about towns, but I think I’ll be okay.
Sawyer MINI water filter – 2 oz. This filter is the best – Jennifer Pharr Davis even said so! I also wrote a review on it!
GoLite Selkirk – 800 fill down jacket – 6 oz. I was able to score this jacket for free when I worked for GoLite and it is, in my opinion, the best jacket for summer ultra-lite backpacking.
Running Shorts – I’ll be wearing my cross country shorts from high school.
Long Underwear – These are to wear when it’s cold at camp. I also wear these when I ski.
Shirt – I’m probably going to wear a Brooks running shirt that I got for free from my job at a running store a couple years ago.
Shoes – Brooks Cascadia’s. These have 500 miles on them already from the AT, but I’m sure they’ll be durable enough for another 500.
Socks – Thorlo Experia. The best socks for running and hiking, in my opinion.
Other things I’ll bring – Phone, Money clip, food (never more than 4 days at a time), and two 1L aquafina water bottles.
Now that I (finally) have my gear together, I’m really excited to get started on the trail. Maybe the one and only Zach will join me for a section or hook me up with some trail magic!
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