Eating in the “Real World” Versus Trail Eating
The holidays are over and for many people the new year is a time to clean up their diet and begin eating healthier again. While I was preparing my lunch consisting of Mexican-style chicken breast, quinoa, sweet potato, and avocado I had a thought: isn’t it funny how what we eat in the real world directly contradicts how many of us eat on the trail? I came up with a few examples of this –
Healthy diet: Cut down on processed foods with artificial ingredients
Hiker diet: “Artificial flavors” is your favorite ingredient.
Healthy diet: Avoid saturated fats.
Hiker diet: That icing-coated honey bun actually contains 100% of your daily value of saturated fat.
Healthy diet: Stick with lower sodium choices and use salt sparingly.
Hiker diet: You actually think that Ramen packet isn’t salty enough!
Healthy diet: Try to eat each color of the rainbow every day.
Hiker diet: The only rainbow you’re tasting is that party bag of Skittles you picked up at Dollar General at your resupply.
Healthy diet: Try to limit the intake of sugary drinks.
Hiker diet: Cans of soda, the more generic the better, can make your day infinitely better.
Healthy diet: A serving size of high protein, low fat meat is the size of your palm.
Hiker diet: A serving size of meat, the greasier the better, is directly proportional to how many mountains you climbed between your last resupply.
Healthy diet: Only eat until you feel full, then wait a few more minutes before deciding on a dessert.
Hiker diet: Eat until they ask you to please leave the Chinese buffet.
Healthy diet: Treat yourself to sweets on special occasions.
Hiker diet: Eat a half gallon of ice cream as fast as possible with other hikers because you can.
And, my final and favorite –
Healthy diet: Only eat when you’re hungry.
Hiker diet: I’M ALWAYS F&^#ING HUNGRY!!
These are only a few of the fun food comparisons I came up with, but I’d love to hear some of yours! Leave me a comment here or connect with me on Facebook and let me hear them!
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Comments 3
My favorite is —
Healthy diet: One serving
This applies to every food.
This one is perfect! Thanks Meg 🙂