Eric Heber Invites You to Hike Louisiana’s Trails

Eric Heber is an Alabama native who has lived in Louisiana for 18 years. He began hiking just seven years ago in the Kisatchie National Forest, a 604,000-acre wilderness park spanning central and north Louisiana. Quickly enamored, he headed west for more austere trails, eventually making his way to a 13,000-foot summit in Colorado’s Triangle Pass. He had dreams of moving out west, but being married and having a daughter on the way kept him home.

But a yearning for the backcountry had taken hold, so he set out to see what he could accomplish on the low-elevation, humid trails of Louisiana, terrain where you can max out at about 200 feet of elevation.

Eric Heber ~

He was not disappointed. Eric describes walking Louisiana’s trails as a “naturalist experience.” The state’s trails, swampy in places, dotted with moss-draped trees, alive with dragonflies, herons, and alligators, are a haven for him to recharge spiritually and mentally.

“I have been in recovery from addiction for over 10 years now,” he says. “The fulfillment I have found in hiking and backpacking has become a big part of that recovery. When I’m hiking all day alone, I am in this constant meditative state and I feel connected to something greater than me.”

Backbone Trail: Sandstone hills, sandy bottom bayous, and beautiful sunrises from a not so secret campsite ~ Photo courtesy of Eric Heber

He began discovering the trails of Louisiana and as he did, felt the need to share with fellow hikers and would-be hikers.

“Okay, what can I do here?” he asked himself. “I know we’ve got some great trails in Louisiana. Maybe I should focus on bringing more awareness to these trails. Maybe that’s what I should do with this passion for hiking and backpacking. So that’s what I did.”

What he did was create a website, Louisiana Hikes, a great resource for information about hiking the state, with detailed trail guides and maps as well as video and blog documentation of his own journeys.

A member of the Louisiana Master Naturalist Association, Eric knows well the biodiversity of Louisiana trails.

Lake Martin Loop: Expect a spectacular rookery view from March through June and alligator nesting from June through October ~ Photo courtesy of Eric Heber

“The trails here are geared towards observation, and there is such a wide variety that we’re kind of lucky,” he says.

His favorite is the Backbone Trail, located about 40 miles northwest of Alexandria, in the Kisatchie Forest. He enjoys the trail’s vistas, views he describes as unique for Louisiana.

I asked Eric what people should know about hiking in Louisiana.

“That we do have backpacking trails in Louisiana,” he told me, and went on to discuss how to have the best experience there.

Fountainebleau State Park: A beautiful nature trail with old growth oak trees and a boardwalk overlooking the marsh ~ Photo courtesy of Eric Heber

“It’s all about planning,” he advises. “Don’t come here in August thinking you’ll be comfortable. The off season for other more temperate trails is the perfect time to come here and hike.”

He easily lists some practical pluses of his home state’s trails, especially in comparison with other more primitive or isolated backcountry trails.

Chicot Trail (Chicot State Park): A 19-mile moderately difficult backpacking trail that has beautiful boardwalks and nice views of Lake Chicot ~ Photo courtesy of Eric Heber

“They are accessible. You don’t have to go down rugged forest roads to get to them,” he says. “Many are close to the interstate. We have quite a few outfitters and it’s easy to get gear you need—fuel for your stove, food, whatever you need, and get back on the trail.”

He recommends the Wild Azalea Trail for first-time Louisiana hikers. It’s easy and well marked. He also speaks highly of the Kisatchie Loop, a route he created connecting the Backbone, Caroline Dormon, and Sandstone Trails. You can read more about the loop on his website.

He invites hikers to get in touch with him, or contact the Louisiana Hiking Club, to, as he puts it on many of his YouTube videos,  find more trails.

Cat Island NWR National Champion Cypress: Largest tree east of the Sierra Nevada mountain range ~ Photo courtesy of Eric Heber

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Comments 4

  • Mujtaba : Oct 16th

    Interesting stuff. I love hiking. Love day hikes. At the end of a day hike, I love to enjoy some time in the Jacuzzi and/or the sauna, depending on the season, followed by a freshly cooked meal.

  • Sandra : Mar 24th

    I, too, love hiking but not all the chatter on the trail. I love to hike in silence, reflecting on life, thanking my God for all of life’s lessons. But and it’s a big but, I have a hard time with the fear of hiking alone without any protection and if hiking in a group, how do I not offend others by not participating in all the chatter. To me that is what a rest stop or a lunch break is for. This does not apply to teachable moments along the trail. I am talking about busy chatter that takes away from the experience. Just my thoughts. I would like to hear what you have to say about busy chatter and hiking alone and feeling safe at the same time. Thank you.


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