Exhausted from a Major Caloric Deficit

This morning we slept in until around 6am at the room. Then were slow to get up and moving. The room was just so comfortable! I could have stayed in bed all day long. But eventually we got and got packed. Then left our bags in the room and headed out to do a quick slack pack.

We called an uber to bring us back to the Panera bread where we got picked up at last night. The uber driver drove like a maniac! Weaving through traffic and stopping short to get around cars. But we got to our destination in one piece. Then had about 7 miles of walking to get back to the motel.

Along the way we stopped off at Walmart. I needed a new pair of headphones because my current pair aren’t really charging or working anymore. I got some wireless headphones and then a pair of wired ones to have as a backup. I love listening to music and podcasts throughout the day. So going without just isn’t ideal!

A sign along the road indicating river access nearby.

After we stopped off there we continued back to the room. On the way we even saw an alligator down in one of the rivers beside the road. We haven’t seen much wildlife recently, so that was pretty exciting. Then before we knew it we were back at the room. It was around 10am by the time we got back. And this is probably the least miles that we’ve done by 10am on the entire hike! We were having a bit of a lazy day though. With no real rush to get miles in. I think we just haven’t eaten enough food over the last couple of days. Because we were feeling pretty sluggish today.

A cute little gator in the river down below the road.

Once we were back to the hotel it was dang hard to leave! I laid on the bed and could have stayed all day. It was very tempting. But we have to keep it moving. So we packed up and began walking. There is another small town in about 16 miles, so if we’re still feeling lazy we could always stop there for the night. And some incredibly kind and generous blog readers and individuals who watch my videos actually donated some money today. To help cover food or assist on getting a room. So that gives us even more options.

Back at the Country Inn&Suites. It was so tempting to just stay.

If you are ever reading and would like to support this journey, even in a very small way, there is a “Tip the Author” button at the bottom of each blog. That links you right to my Venmo where you can support the hike, even from afar! I’m beyond grateful for any and all support along this long journey.

The City of Midway was where our hotel was and the general area we were walking before arriving in Quincy.

I felt better once we got moving again. And we stopped off at the next gas station to grab a little fuel. I got a chocolate milk, a Dr Pepper, and a jelly donut. That will have me feeling energized for sure. Then we just continued along the road. Walking in a narrow shoulder beside a highway for most of the remainder of the day. But it wasn’t so bad.

Second breakfast!

Since I got a new pair of headphones I was able to listen to some music. Which is always great and helps to pass the time. And I got my next YouTube vlog edited. Now I’ll just have to do some voice recording stuff tonight. The video should be up by the time that you’re reading this! You can find it on YouTube @madisonblagden. Along with all of my daily short videos. Which are also available on Instagram @madisonblagden.

Another day filled with road walking.

Time flew by along the road and before I knew it we were at another dollar general. I swear they are spread out every 2 miles when you get close to a town. We stopped off for a quick drink and snack. I got a cookies and crime chocolate milk and a bag of chips. Then we sat in the shade beside the building to take a break. We only had another 3-4 miles to go to get into the further part of Quincy.

This milk is oddly delicious and tastes like a melted Oreo milkshake.

The town of Quincy was a little bit run down. It’s an old historic town, known primarily for the 67 millionaires which the town generated due to investment in Coca-Cola early on! How interesting. Punisher did a little research and found that out. Which is quite interesting.

Found this cute little beaded hummingbird along the road walk.

It wasn’t the nicest town, but it had everything you could need. We walked a ways through town and then stopped off at a Piggly Wiggly for some drinks. There is also a dominos which seems to be close enough in range. So our plan is to stuff our faces with pizza tonight. We were still feeling really tired by the time that we got into town. Which is definitely due to the lack of proper nutrition over the past couple days. We’ve just been eating whenever we stop somewhere. And not snacking much along the way. Which just doesn’t cut it when you’re burning 3,000-4,000 calories per day. But we’ll learn from this sluggishness and be better in the future.

Entering into the historic city of Quincy.

After we grabbed drinks we walked another mile down the road to the La Familia Inn. It was a small motel with a lot of long term residents there. But the rooms were only $72! And the place was very clean. Once we got into the room we just both laid down and relaxed. It’s funny how easy hiking can feel when you’re fueling your body. And how exhausting a 25 mile day can feel when you’re behind significantly in calories.

I was glad that we got to walk along a bike path for at least part of the day.

Then we ordered a bunch of Dominos to be delivered. I got a pizza and a pasta dish and so did Punisher. Then I’ll have some leftover to eat tomorrow morning. Which will be perfect to ensure I start my day tomorrow with a whole lot of calories. And I got a QUART of chocolate milk to drink between tonight and tomorrow. Which is a massive amount containing just shy of 1,000 calories.

The rest of the night was really chill. I managed to muster up the energy to voice over my YouTube video and draft up my short video and blog for tomorrow. Then just laid in bed and watched movies for the rest of the night. I was glad that we did a slightly shorter day and ended her in a bed again. You don’t always have to take a zero day in order to rest and rehab. All I really needed was a bit of rest and some calories in me. Days like today are what will keep us going in the long term. If I can trick my body into feeling major rest from a “short” day of hiking, then that will enable me to save the days off for when we really need them or the weather is bad.

Around 8pm I was mostly finished with evening. And whatever I didn’t complete I knew I could work on as we walked the road tomorrow morning. Which is a true luxury lately and is helping me stay up to date with the plethora of content that I’m generating. Then eventually I put my phone away and just laid there, ready for bed.

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Comments 5

  • Jenny L : Jan 30th

    I love that you’re “stuffing your faces with Dominos” because you’ve been feeling run down from a “lack of proper nutrition”.
    Keep on keeping on!

    • Kate M : Jan 30th

      Hi Pegleg,

      I look forward to your blog posts every morning when I wake up. I love walking and hiking myself and think the CYTC is epic! I love following along.
      I live in Australia and would like to send some money, however, I cannot sign up to Venmo as I don’t have an American number! Is there another way I can send some money?
      Thank you

  • La Brit : Jan 30th

    Great post PL. Glad you got to enjoy another motel and that pizza🍕. Thanks for putting the donation details on here. ❤️

  • Jabez : Jan 31st

    You and Punisher moving great. I’m bummed as I was going to start hiking the Pinhoti next week and 2 days ago my 92 year old mom fell and broke a metatarsal. Can’t leave -2022 I was at a shelter thru hiking Pinhoti when Mercury (Liz Derstines) came in for a few hours setting a FKT. Would have been nice to meet another legend like you. See Fresh Grounds helping again! 🥾

  • DanD : Jan 31st

    Cookies and Crime chocolate milk… so good you’d break the law to get it 😄


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