Finding Cash on the Side of a Road

This morning I heard the guys packing up around 4:30am and followed suit. Fresh Ground was going to make us some coffee. Then Punisher’s friend Helgi/Porky was going to make breakfast! So for once, Fresh Ground got a morning off of cooking. How nice.

I had a hot mocha and hung out with the guys. Then we had a delicious breakfast with eggs, potatoes, bacon, and sausage. I even had some chocolate milk to finish it off. It’s going to be nice to start the day well fueled. Especially afternoon 40 yesterday, 34 the day before that, and today’s upcoming 36 or so miles day. Originally we thought today would be around 32 miles, but we were off by a little. The jump between a 32 mile day and a 36 is small in theory, but you can really feel it.

Today was a slightly later start for us. We didn’t start walking until just after 6am. Which still was really good! Plus Fresh Ground was slacking Long Shot and I today. Punisher doesn’t really do that, which I respect. But I love having the weight off of me if I can.

Road walking this morning in the dark.

Fresh Ground planned to meet us for lunch around 15 miles in. And that first stretch of the day really flew by. As I walked along the road I did the rest of the editing for my blog of the day. Then had to work on my weekly YouTube video. I had already cut all the clips together and edited them. Now I just had to do some voice over and final edits. In the end it wound up being 37 minutes long! Which feels long, but is about as concise as I can squeeze 7 days of hiking. I might wind up doing 2 shorter videos per week rather than one long one. But we’ll just see how I feel and what people seem to prefer.

The sky was so beautiful when the sun finally came up.

While I walked I did my work. Then I listened to some podcasts. I’ve been listening to some “trash TV” type podcasts over the last day or so. They really help me to zone out which is nice.

The guys up ahead on the road.

Then right after 10am we arrived at a turn in the road where Fresh Ground was set up. He had grilled cheese sandwiched with some left over rice and beans from last night. I even added some avocado to the grilled cheese, which was wonderful! Then I had a nice hot mocha to finish the meal off right. After that I was reset and feeling great. We still had about 20 miles to go though!

Nothing will brighten a day more than seeing Fresh Ground set up ahead!

I gave a call to the Pastor Ken at the church in Christmas to see about us staying tonight. I stayed there 12/16/2023 when I was wrapping up the Eastern Continental Trail. That place is incredible and such a great resource. They allow hikers to sleep in the fellowship hall, fully enclosed. It has a fridge, TV, heater, sink, and even a stove. There is truly everything a hiker could need. Plus access to a bathroom and even an outdoor shower. Fresh Ground headed over there to see the pastor and hang out. Then we all continued along the road.

There were a couple close calls over the next hour or so with cars. We walk facing traffic oncoming. But even still, sometimes a car will pass another car and almost swipe us from the side. Even if you’re walking in the shoulder of the road, it can still be dangerous. We were fine though. It just takes your breath away when you feel the car fly right past you.

Jen came and brought us all sorts of trail magic! I think my favorite was the delicious sweet navel orange.

After only an hour or so a car made a quick U-turn and pulled over alongside the road. It was Jen from last night! She brought out some trail magic and chatted with us. She had the most delicious and juicy fresh naval oranges.  They were incredible. And even gator jerky too! Which I’ve never tried before. Her mom drove by us earlier today and said hello. They both are so kind and do so much for hikers. This area is their general territory, and they like to help in anyway they can.

Long Shot on the road.

We continued along the road for the rest of the day after that. I got my YouTube video completed edited. Then it took about 40 minutes to upload alongside the road. But I got it done! The current schedule is a video every Thursday. At least for the last 2 weeks. I’ll try to stick with this the best I can! You can watch those under the name madisonblagden on YouTube. I really liked the way this week’s video came out. But I keep getting better about recording certain moments, so I would hope they just continue to improve as I practice more.

This row of inaccessible mail boxes was hilarious.

After I was done with that, I just listened to podcasts and did some stuff on my phone for the remainder of the day. Eventually we got off of the super busy road and onto a slightly quieter road. But it still had very little shoulder so you had to be careful. My feet were feeling sore from not stopping for about 15 miles. But I was doing good. The rest of my body feels great without any issues. I think I’m just getting a lot of sand in my shoes, which can irritate my feet in different places by causing me to step weird. And my body really is still getting back into the swing of things. It’s early days.

Even on the road we still got to enjoy the stunning oak trees and Spanish moss.

Fortunately, even though we had to road walk all day long, it was very over cast. I wore my alpha 90 Sambob top and pants for almost the entire day. Only when we were about 10 miles out did I finally take the pants off.

As we walk along the road all of us are always looking for “treasure”. You never know what you’ll find on the road. And today I struck gold. I found a wad of cash only maybe 5 feet off the road, and it was shoot $120! What a life. The trail provides in every way you can imagine. This will cover the next room for the gang, which I love. Everybody eats! There’s no man left behind out here.

That definitely got my spirits up for the next few miles. Then we ran into Fresh Ground again up the road. He was parked and waiting for us with Gatorade. We talked to him for a bit and then continued along. There were still at least 2-3 hours of walking to go. I was tired, but knew we could do it. It’s all mental at this point in the day. It will be a long day. But we get to end it at the church with Fresh Ground making us spaghetti for dinner.

Eventually we got onto a super quiet back road, making our way to the church. It felt like we were really dragging. Even though we were moving quick. Then we turned and were finally getting close to the church. At one point around there, a cute basset hound ran out into the road. He was teasing us, acting like he wanted pets. But whenever we stopped he stopped. He just wanted to follow us a bit. Then headed on home.

We got to the church just after 5pm and Fresh Ground was set up with dinner ready. Spaghetti with meat sauce and garlic bread. Nothing better after a long day! I had a hot chocolate too, as it was already getting chilly out once more.

The fellowship hall behind the church in Christmas, FL.

Over the last 3 days we did about 110 miles. Which is killer. We’re crushing it. But sadly today is our last day, for now, with Long Shot. He has to head home to switch out some gear. He was never planning on doing the whole Florida trail. But I think we have successfully convinced him to do the calendar year triple crown! So he is going to meet us back out when we get to the AT. Then hopefully if we can stick together our whole gang will tackle the CYTC. That would be absolutely epic. I hope we can hang together as long as possible. What a year that would be. I’ve been having a blast so far with these guys.

Fresh Ground was all set up with dinner when we arrived after 5pm.

After I ate I headed into the fellowship hall to get comfortable. I hand washed my socks and placed them in front of the heater to dry. They are so nasty, so that was a great move. Then we just chilled out for the rest of the night. I got organized a bit. Put some food away. Then watched TV and drank a root beer from the fridge. Life is dang good out here!

Inside the fellowship hall. One of the best stops along the Florida trail.

Toward the end of the night Fresh Ground came in and we all joked around for ages. What a great group. I was laughing like crazy. It’s going to be sad to see Long Shot go tomorrow. But we’ll be seeing him real soon on the AT. At the rate we’re going we won’t be in Florida for more than another 2 weeks and change. And there is a more direct route which takes us closer to the section of Alabama that we’re headed to. Which will help to save us some time. Which will account for the occasional shorter days in New Hampshire and Maine on the AT. Everything seems like it’s going to work out perfectly.

We watched some TV before calling it a night.

Not long after that we all began to wind down. I put some stuff away and did my stretching for the night. Then got my blog written up for tomorrow. I had already done my video and audio recording for tomorrow earlier this evening. Then just after 9pm I finally began to get ready to call it a night.

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Comments 13

  • Leah Love : Jan 17th

    Have you listened to the podcast Normal Gossip? Another AT Trek blogger recommended it last year, and it’s my favorite podcast to listen to when I walk! ✨

  • Ray-Ray : Jan 17th

    Pegleg your YouTube video was awesome and I was loving the length of it. Personally I would prefer one long video weekly. Also when you get out West it may become difficult to upload more than once per week. But I understand that your number 1 priority is making and completing this historic hike, so you do what works best for you. Your content, either blog or video is the first thing I grab for each morning. I feel like I am hiking with you. I am so stoked to think that I get to spend an entire year virtual hiking with such an awesome woman! By the way, I miss sweetpea.

  • Emma : Jan 17th

    These daily updates are amazing! Love being able to follow along in your adventure. You inspire me to hopefully thru hike one day!!

  • Chris : Jan 17th

    $120! Wow, that’s a good sized wad of cash. The most I ever found was about $40 and I was ecstatic! Keep up the great hike, and yeah,.. that would be pretty cool if you three complete the CYTC together.

  • Manger Cat : Jan 17th

    What a great and wonderful find! I truly love how you immediately declared that the money would be used for the benefit of your entire tramily!

    In following your blog, which I immensely enjoy, I have come to view you as not just a hiker, but a person who cares deeply about the people you meet and the friendships

    • Manger Cat : Jan 17th

      Sorry, my comment somehow posted before I was finished and I couldn’t figure out how to edit it.

      . . . that you make along the way. This is another one of many examples of the how much you value and care about others on the Trail.

      I think that you should be considered a:

      “Thru Hiker Trail Angel.”

  • Ronald L Mittelman : Jan 18th

    You guys are killing it. Holy cow.!!! And $120 on the side of the road. When does that ever happen?? The Trail does provide. Keep up the good work my friend. Enjoying your journey very much.

    I’m assuming the hives are now a thing of the past? Hope so.

  • Deborah Markee : Jan 18th

    OMG–you watched The Closer? Is Kitty in the carrier?

  • yam : Jan 18th

    Oh good. So glad you are walking DEFENSIVLY, FACING TRAFFIC. Walking with traffic coming up behind is the worst and I am stunned how many people do it. Y’all are smart cookies!

  • Old Man Paul : Jan 18th

    “Life is dang good out here.”
    ‘Bout says it all.
    God Bless you, Fresh Ground and all the rest.
    Be safe. I was just in Christmas and Cocoa Beach in September.

  • Jabez : Jan 18th

    Amazing miles! Are you doing any of the Pinhoti again? I might do it for the second time in February. 🥾

  • Jamie : Jan 31st

    PL, congrats on finding money! I always wonder, how does someone lose money on the side of a deserted road? What in the world were they doing to cause all of their money to land on the side of the road? .. I’m voting for two shorter videos. Of course, I’ll watch no matter what you do, but sometimes it’s hard to find an hour to spend on one video. One more thing, I’m a worry wart and it seems like 30+ mile days are becoming your new normal. Be careful. Listen to your body. It’ll warm you before it gives out. Injuries happen when your tired. Thanks for all the great content you give us! You are the best!

  • Henry Schimpf : Feb 1st





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