Top-Five Hiking Festival Essentials
As It Happens TV‘s latest digital short captures an epic road trip to the 2014 Pacific Crest Trail Kickoff, and premiere of the film As It Happens: Pacific Crest Trail . Check it out and then take a look at the top five hiking festival essentials.
1. Thermos
Whether keeping your coffee hot or microbrew cold, a thermos is a must when scoping and enjoying a hiking festival. Plus, you’ll have a place to put all the stickers from gear companies.
2. Business Cards
This sounds a little strange, but a lot of connections come from hiker festivals. Whether professional or personal, it’s smart to have your contact info handy. That way you can be BFF’s even after the festival!
3. Photo gallery on your iPhone
What better way to add to your thru-hiking stories then with some pictures? Take your favorite 20 thru-hiking photos and upload them to your phone. You’ll have ready evidence of the crazy food you ate, storms you trekked through, and the majestic beard you once had.
4. Crocs
You stuck by ’em out on the trail, so why not bring that comfy set of footwear to the party? Seriously, this is the only place Crocs are trendy outside the mountains, a river trip, or your backyard.
5. A quarter of a Z-Rest Pad
Reuniting with old hiking buddies and finding new ones means a lot of talking. Be prepared for long chats around a fire, or sitting in a circle high atop a grassy knoll. Bring a pad for your booty so your butt won’t go numb before the conversation’s over.
– Andy Laub, Director of As It Happens TV
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