Food Spotlight: Gopals Family of Organic Raw Products
Stefan Knueppel the founder of GoPals health foods travelled to India and found spiritual inspiration. When Stefan came back to the States he realized his enlightenment needed sharing, soon he started traveling America by RV selling books about higher consciousness, this was only the beginning though of this journey.
Stefan soon realized that is would be easier to practice what he preached-and spread the word with food. This is when Stefan started making spiritual food by hand and selling it to local companies in California.
GoPals is located in Texas, selling delectable raw and organic food. Their food is high quality, high in enzymes, vegan and gluten free.
GoPals has grown from a small company and are continuing to grow because of many faithful customers.
Some of my favorite food from GoPals would be the Curry Power Wraps, these nori power wraps have a flavorful punch of curry and provide a good texture that is appealing to the mouth (I’m not kidding). Another instant classic from GoPals would be their brownies. The Brownies are chocolate packed, vegan of course, and have crunchy walnuts in them that really round it off as a great trail treat with lots of sustenance.
For many hikers, diet is very important on and off trail. A lot of hikers are vegetarian or even vegan. GoPals is a great snack for those on and off trail. But of course, any snack, especially GoPals is better on trail!
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